I did it myself using a DIY redneck style bead breaker, rim protector and 3 spoons. For me the front was a pita but then again I put a rear 170 Excedra Max up front and a 220 car tire on rear.
I've done both front and back- well, the front. With the rear I finally got it off after a long hard battle and decided to have the shop mount the new tire.

I just did the front for the second time two days ago. It was hard for me, but based on your experience changing tires you may not find it too bad. MotionPro BeadPro work great breaking the beads and as tire irons, btw.

Trust everyone who advises you to leave the rear tire to the shop.
Ah, youse guys taking tires to someone else to change them need to go downtown and turn yer man cards in.

I do my OWN tires, every time, all the time.

It's really simple girls...... Take the rims off,throw them in the truck, take them to work and toss them on the tire machine. Bada bing Bada boom- do 'em both in 10 minutes.

That's how it's done class!! :p:p:p:laugh::laugh: