Brutus just died - electrical fault

OK Just an update.
Towed Home with a fairly quick response time (25mins) and found the following:
No 2 fuse (30amp) overheated - melted and blown.
Battery absolutely dead.
Changed the fuse ( and ensured the fuse block was clean.
Charged the battery
Fired up Immediately and was charging at 13.5 volts.

Error code of P1698 was found

When I left home yesterday morning the bike started with not a hint of a problem - rode into the city for a meeting (15 minute ride) 2.5 hours later i get back to the bike and upon starting I only hear a click and lights dimming etc.
Lucky I"m on a hill so I clutch started it and it was not happy at first (coughing and spluttering) then ran fine but I noticed the engine light was on but kept going.
3-4 minutes later ALL stopped - lucky I was near the foot path.
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That was the first place I looked. No blown fuse or melted wires or connectors.

At least you nailed (still sucks)your problem down. Me and bull still have to track ours down!
Maybe if they put a real battery in the beast it might help alleviate some of the problems...Never in the 17 years I've owned my Roadking have I had an electrical problem...
Funny story, years ago at a mechanics class, instructor holds up an AG30 amp fuse and asks the class what do you replace this fuse with? (correct answer is, only another AG 30 amp fuse), but then a wise guy in the back raises his hand and says, "a short piece of 1/8" copper tubing, and look for smoke!"
Using a disassembled fuse and its terminals I guess I would rig an amp meter across that fuse location and see what kind of current draw you are looking at. A dirty high resistance connection somewhere or perhaps a bad cell in the battery could cause the issue. Have you had the battery tested? Have you pulled and looked at the other fuse terminals. Do you ride in the rain very often which could lead to corrosion. A good inspection of cables and connections would be the order of the day. Also, by the looks of the fuse, it has been undergoing some heat stress for some time before it blew.

Most of my bikes lights and any accessories are now on my Amplink, removing a lot of current draw through the fuse as well the ignition switch.