#1 is red #2 is white and #3 has no color. I was going to eventually ask what do these mean? Guessing it's specific to the crankshaft and not the rod?
Also been thinking more about my "distorted" rods. Another possible scenario that I hadn't thought of is the guy that blew the head gasket actually did go deeper into the motor and for whatever reason installed these rods. I find it hard to believe they came from the factory that way. He most likely replaced any pistons that were damaged too. He then sold the bike.
Perhaps the current damage on the #1 piston happened when the next owner (the guy I bought it from) had the PCV put on and dyno tuned. I'm thinking the dyno shop unknowingly broke the piston while tuning. They noted on the receipt that oil was filling the intake manifold (coming up from the turbo that the crankcase was vented into) and is the reason the guy I bought it from bought the catch can. This would also explain why the compression check that Wayne Tripp performed on the bike was good. Guessing he wouldn't have bought it if Wayne had told him the compression was bad.
From day one that I owned the bike it's had this blow by problem with oil completely filling the catch can within one or two rides if I was in boost at all. I think it was the second time I rode the bike that I first blew out the oil cap. The bike has also always had a slight vibration around 3000 rpm's that doesn't feel quite right. Wonder if it's these rods. Now I'm so glad I'm replacing them. Thanks again for pointing out the eBay sale Scott. Totally killer deal. Just a new OEM piston would have been $170.