Brisbane Ride Anyone Sept 14 or 15

Hey Mittzy what's the affects of diverticulitis???

Hey JC,
This is a disease of the bowel, segments of my lower intestine have pockets that at times catches indigestible foods, that food then starts an infection. Been hospitalized about five times (twice this year) and my third attack this year. My hospital stays are usually for a week on IV drugs and have had one perforation (really bad news). If I have a bigger perforation I will need emergency surgery and could have a colostomy bag fire a year or so (can't find shoes to match these bags:rolleyes:) my condition is severe especially for a 44yo. An operation to remove the affected bowel for me is not an option really as all of the lower intestine is severely affected.
There you go JC warts and all:eek:
Don't feel sorry for me cos it's pretty much self inflicted. Not enough FIBRE in my diet.:eek: