Good luck finding one cause I spent an hour looking for them and only found a front 150/80-17. I like the Cobra Chromes front and back as it suits my style of riding so it only figures they close down shop only because I like them.
I noticed a few days ago that a number of tire stores have a few in stock. One had a price of $450.00 before tax. That's bull**** but like a moron I will buy one but hopefully if they are restocking the price will fall. I know others like the Bridgestone Exedra max and I like it also and had it on my 14 Rocket. I just like the Cobra a tad better. Thanks for the info my friend.
Edit: I see Revzilla has them for $384.00 before tax. That's a bit better anyway.
The exedra max comes in a touring tire and a cruiser tire, one is softer and one is harder, most will never notice and the touring exedra max last longer, but if youre wanting grip for hooning the exdra max 852 cruiser tire is awesome, theyre both good one is just for power driving not for just layin down miles. I prefer the 852 exdra max