BREAKING NEWS:Harley Davidson closing a plant due to declining sales.

The reason Indian is selling so well was their appeal to the regular working man and woman

Appeal to regular working men and women? Is that a joke? Maybe you haven't checked the Indian prices lately. They are higher than Harley. Selling well? I bet they sell 1/10 of what Harley sells, so how is that 'selling well'? If things hold Indian will go the way of Victory in a few years. Bet on it. After getting a few disgruntled Harley riders, Indian will then have to build their own clientele. Good luck with that. The corporate reports were that Victory sold well right up to the day they closed shop. Polaris didn't make a dime on Victory, and I bet Indian is barely holding on despite all the corporate rah-rah. Motorcycles aren't selling. Harley is just the first victim because of their size. It will all filter down eventually.
Appeal to regular working men and women? Is that a joke? Maybe you haven't checked the Indian prices lately. They are higher than Harley. Selling well? I bet they sell 1/10 of what Harley sells, so how is that 'selling well'? If things hold Indian will go the way of Victory in a few years. Bet on it. After getting a few disgruntled Harley riders, Indian will then have to build their own clientele. Good luck with that. The corporate reports were that Victory sold well right up to the day they closed shop. Polaris didn't make a dime on Victory, and I bet Indian is barely holding on despite all the corporate rah-rah. Motorcycles aren't selling. Harley is just the first victim because of their size. It will all filter down eventually.

So..... how do you really feel? :roll::roll:
I consider myself a “regular” (irregular?) blue collar guy. And the Indian brand appeals to because I like having a choice in the American Motorcycle market.

some people think it’s ludicrous to spend 20k on a motorcycle, Frankly I think spending 50 to 60K on a truck is stupid but people do it every day...
Hopefully Harley and Indian will do well.
I love my Indian but if they go out of business next week I won’t lose any sleep over it.
Ride what ya got and be happy
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Harley isn't selling motorcycles. They're selling the idea of freedom. The bike is just an accessory.

My view from the bridge is that Harley Davidson stopped being a true motorcycle manufacturer a couple decades ago and segued into becoming a megalithic marketing company first and foremost and a motorcycle assembler, secondarily. They license their name out to others in order to attach it to practically every sort of product under the sun, from H-D badged Ford pick-up trucks to babies' onesies to toilet paper with their name emblazoned on every sheet.

Their claim to be an all American machine rings hollow for at least the last 20 years as many other foreign bikes out there actually have more American parts or components on them than do many Harleys. I believe that most modern day Harlot owners/riders would be shocked to know how few of their bikes' components are actually still "made in America". My two Ohio-made VTX 1800s had waaaaay more American parts on them than does the typical hog.

H-D is and has been the big dog (pig???) in motorcycling for a long, long time, so it is only natural that as their traditional, targeted market is aging, thinning or otherwise disappearing, other demographics, the competition and consumer tastes and habits continue to change, and they keep becoming more expensive/less accessible or affordable, they are among the first to feel the most dire pains of a rapidly changing marketplace. They did this to themselves as they have been slow to respond to these market forces and quite resistant to changing their game and that can be the death knell for any large company in a very competitive and fluid business environment.
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Because motorcycling is a broad church and the Rocket satisfies but one small niche within it. The standard rocket does a few things very well and many things OK.

It goes very well off the mark but there are plenty of other bikes that go better. It corners well considering it's weight and size but most other bikes corner better, something I learned chasing a mob of GSXRs, RSVs, CBRs and KTMs a couple of weekends ago. Through the twisties? Just forget it.

The only thing where the Rocket is actually the leader is for cubic inches and torque. Which really only gives you bragging rights and is still handicapped by the weight of the thing.

Practical and logical reasons aside, what it really boils down to is whether or not the Rocket is "your bag, baby" ... and that is entirely subjective.

The Rocket IS my bag, baby ... but I'm not everybody.

What the Rocket had that sealed the deal for me is:

Effortless torque.
Comfort - Not perfect but it's getting there.
Pillion comfort - My Mrs found the CBR1100XX legroom too cramped.
Low to the ground - My Mrs did not like being perched up high on the back seat of my CBR1100XX, especially in corners.
Looks - Yeah, subjective but I actually like the look of the thing. It's mean and purposeful.
Luggage capacity - It's not the best but it's enough for me.
Price - The other bike that would do all of this would be a Goldwing. But I was never a fan of the look of the old ones and couldn't afford a new one.

The Rocket ticked enough boxes for what I was after and I'm well happy with it.

i hate to use expression but its true; you gotta be a 'man's man' to ride this machine; also think you need to be 6'0 or taller maybe 5-11 so that filters down a lot of potential owners right there. This motorcycle is like a wild bull is what i tell people what the ride is like
i hate to use expression but its true; you gotta be a 'man's man' to ride this machine; also think you need to be 6'0 or taller maybe 5-11 so that filters down a lot of potential owners right there. This motorcycle is like a wild bull is what i tell people what the ride is like
Don't be heightist, or @mexican will show you how it's done.

We also had a 5' lady on the forum riding an RIII a few years back.