BreakAway Cruise Control

It looks like your brake resivore is separate to the thottle assembly if that is the case it may work .the manual i have is a couple of years old .the good thing about cruiser customiser they are good to deal with and if it don't work they will refund
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So after all the discussion i pulled the trigger and ordered the brake away.

Fingers crossed.

What Breakaway model number did you use on your roadster? I have a 2013 Roadster but I would think it would fit that year also.

Okay, just looked into my files and the brakaway throttle control that I purchased and installed is the 5CP02 and I have no complaints.
Be patient on the install as it does take a while to get everything lined up but it is well worth it.
Ya; they are up too the 7CP01.

Its slightly different.
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Quite a bit different from the photos I've seen. I'm feeling lucky now as it seems I got one just before the model change.