BreakAway Cruise Control

Not so much...I've been running a breakaway on my Roadster for almost 2 years
Yeah I've had mine about the same length of time on my 08 Std, shame they stopped making them and from what Peter told me is that they haven't so much stopped making them as much as they are not supplying the crucial mounting bracket that goes on to the bottom of the brake lever mount, I reckon (and this is only guessing based on what Pete told me about the kit they sent him) that if you were to get someone with an older one that did have the bits you could copy them and make the new version fit
I just use the plain old simple Omni Cruise that you roll forward with your thumb till it rests on the brake lever ,the when you pull in the brake lever it pushes the device back,and closes the throttle, it does not regulate your speed, rather locks the throttle in position ,and obviously slows slightly on inclines and speeds up on declines ,but you do get to rest your right hand on long straights ,I have used the same unit on my last three bikes and no dramas so far,
Just looked at the exploded view of the r3 standard ,classic and touring and they are similar good luck.
You lads have gotten me all woried that it wont fit!
Unless you have access to a lathe and perfectly straight handle bars and the ability to make an extension piece up to go past the front brake assembly to fit the body to the handle and then it would only be trial and error to hopefully make it function. After trying to assemble it myself I took to the people that make up parts to make it fit and they would not iwarranty or give me receipts for there work .

So is our handlbar assembly the same? Ergo the sales guy is feeding a line of BS
I think he is James he more than likely looked at the same video I did and made his decision based on that .the unt Hans has is the same as the unit in the video .hans sent me pictures of his and initially I thought the unit with the same part number was an up dated version .how wrong I was

Im at work so i had my very pregnant wifey head out to the garage and grab this picture of my throttle side. Great girl

Does it look like your throttle side?


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