Brand new Rocket 3 transmission issue

Congratulations on the new bike AND on having a dealer that takes care of thir customers. Where is this at BTW? I find my dealer at Motorcycles of Dulles (MOD) to be one of the best I have done business with over 35 years of bikes. It is good to hear there is at least one other out there.
I spoke with the dealer in Daytona Beach and asked out of the bikes they sell which make is the most trouble free They said TRIUMPH was by far the best with no issues Bmw was the worst with constant problems of all types then Ducati that was better than Bmw but not nearly as good as TRiUMPH
Hey, no I didn't find out. Kinda got lost in the moment with the new bike which has been magnificent! I think I'll put a call into Triumph to see what happened.
Friend of mine bought a new Thunderbird LT, broke it in, then rode to RAA at the Hub. Engine light came on on the way back to Michigan. The dealer couldn't seem to diagnose it right away. After a few test rides something let loose in the motor. Triumph authorized a tear down. They felt it was in the lower end of the motor. He wasn't comfortable with a rebuild on a bike with 3000 miles, so after more weeks of triumph not responding to calls and emails the dealer said that triumph was sending a new motor. Next thing few weeks later the motor supposedly was lost in India. By this time he has had it with triumph corporate. We left RAA X beginning of May, triumph finally did reimburse him in full plus the add ons and tax, but not until late September early October. No bike and poor communication for 5 months and really never offered up a new bike. The dealer was then told to rebuild it and put it on the floor. He was also told no lemon law on motorcycles. Seems really uncommon for that motor, I would go buy another one, but he's not. I always wondered what that 1700cc motor ended up on in India.
Hey, no I didn't find out. Kinda got lost in the moment with the new bike which has been magnificent! I think I'll put a call into Triumph to see what happened.

Would you mind telling us where you are from amd what dealership treated you so well?
I spoke with the dealer in Daytona Beach and asked out of the bikes they sell which make is the most trouble free They said TRIUMPH was by far the best with no issues Bmw was the worst with constant problems of all types then Ducati that was better than Bmw but not nearly as good as TRiUMPH

2 cents:
I had a 2006 BMW K1200 R.
Fantastic bike, sweet motor with effortless handling and braking until the shifter drum somehow screwed itself at 9000 miles.
(I like to think I know how to shift gears ;-)
Dealer fixed it under warranty, but it started acting up again.
I took a bath on the trade in.