Brake pads

just checked..
front fit for touring - FA236HH
rear fit - FA209/2HH
I had bought EBC pads for my touring , yes they fitted nicely , but did not use them . Noticed that they were close to 30% smaller in size which means that they don't ride the disk completely . They would have worn only on part of the disk , so I ordered stock oem pads and thus the whole disk is being used , wearing evenly . Never had any problems apart for the price being more expensive than EBC . Now I have a spare set of EBC in case of emergency only .
interesting, thank for the insight..can the same be said about the rear pads?
My set (front and rear) of EBC pads had recently arrived..size-wise they are not different from stock OEM pads, have compared them side-by-side..

Pros - stopping power has considerably improved, especially using the front brakes

Cons - i constantly hear the noise of brake pads touching the brake disk, even when not engaged..typically this should go, once pads are better aligned to disks after some riding, but i've driven for 100 or smth kms and no change in sound is observed..I have actually checked the temperature of brake disks after long rides, and couldn't say that it got noticeably hot..