Bought a non runner in Vancouver

Well I'm very close to getting to the bottom of this. I've diagnosed that the starter is robbing all the voltage during cranking and starving the ignition system. Had it at my dad's today screwing with it. He has a much bigger battery charger than i do and when we cranked it to its highest setting we got spark back. Got it fired up and ripped 'er around the block a bit. Fun times!!

Started up on its own a few times after. Loaded it on the trailer and took it the 40 min drive home. Once home and unloaded it wouldn't fire again. Hooked up jumpers to the car and let it sit for a bit. Fired back up, went for another mini cruise. Runs fairly well for not having any airbox or air filters on it, sensors not able to do their thing. Time to order a ramair.
Check all the contacts from battery to starter and earth. Some have upgrades their cables to bigger amperage.
Did you Ever live in Leaf Rapids Manitoba. I knew a Hammer ther>

Regarding Leaf Rapids.... I was there quite a few years ago for several days. Nice little place but I wouldn't want to live there. You can almost see the North pole from the mall :). Got to visit the Ruttan minesite u/g maintenance shops and ore flow system. We were comparing maintenance practices between their mine and ours.

Glad to see you're making progress. You have 5 more months before spring hits. Lots of time to address the gremlins. When you replaced the harness, did you inspect every connection and pin-out closely. I've seen plugs where the male pins look good, but when you push on them, they aren't locked and can move into the block making an intermittent contact. If I were you, I'd pull every connector apart since you appear to have the time and check them closely (Make sure non are bent also). Also, it was mentioned that some of the switches on the bike, ie the clutch, sidestand, tipover etc, can stick especially if they haven't been used for some time. Also the relay contacts can corrode sitting for so long. Don't forget to consider cleaning the solenoid contacts on the starter. You want to reduce your voltage drop to a minimum when cranking.
Built new 4 gauge battery cables last night. Cleaned contacts at starter and ground at block (again). Didnt do anything. Same thing, starter robs all the voltage. Put it on jumpers to the car for 5 mins and then it fires up.
Built new 4 gauge battery cables last night. Cleaned contacts at starter and ground at block (again). Didnt do anything. Same thing, starter robs all the voltage. Put it on jumpers to the car for 5 mins and then it fires up.

u might do a load test like turn the lights on and see how fast the batt goes down.