Boog's Review of the 2020 R and GT

Any modern bike can suffer this. I’m just going to go for it and hope for the best.

Mel, I get you brother, I'm simply pointing out my observations. I get the idea that every manufacturer is going this way. For a few of us who do not have a shelter for the bike it adds one more concern. In my line of work, we look for as many risks as we can find to let the boss make a decision on fielding equipment. I allowed my own opinion to seep into this work as motorcycles are part of my DNA. Also in my line of work, vendors try to "gold plate" what our requirements state. I get that to, every company needs to make profit. But if we do not ask for the shiny object, then don't try to force it on us. In the case of motorcycles, some things are forced by sissy politicians, others are corporate marketing people.

In any case, the GT fits me well and would be my choice over the R. If Triumph does not come though with an actual Touring, I may go ahead and get an R3GT someday.
We’re good bro your ideas have merit. I bet I hate getting restrictions and nannies forced on me more that you do. I d be fine with cruise control and ABS only.
We’re good bro your ideas have merit. I bet I hate getting restrictions and nannies forced on me more that you do. I d be fine with cruise control and ABS only.
Although I've never really road a bike with ABS and criuse control I have to agree with you on this and maybe some of the other traction control stuff. I'm just now getting better at the twisties but suspect some of the braking and traction control might help..
Better have a dealer close, with mechanics that know how to work on a 2020, and a wallet full of cash! At the moment, I'm trying to sort out why #2 cylinder on one of my 05's ain't firing. Can you imagine that kind of problem with one of these new models? So many wires, sensors, relays, switches, connectors. Ahhh, I long for my old 650, headlight, taillight, squeeze bulb bicycle horn. Points, condenser, coils. Simple as. Tickle the old Amal, and start on first kick, every time.
Tickle your what ? oh Amal? forgive me I misread !
Ah I figured out your problem, you’re keeping them after the warranty has run out
I rode the new R last week and loved it. I always said I'm going to keep my 14 Roadster, so after much contemplating I just bought one that is 6 years older than my current ride instead of 6 years newer and she is being delivered this week. Oh well maybe I will get a new one when they finish the rear.