Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

I think that road is a crash waiting to happen I wouldnt pick that road to race anyone on who knows whats going to jump out in front of you LOL
The danger on tantalus mostly comes from moss on the road toward the peak, it's got quite a few 20mph or less hairpins in the area. It's actually the only place I have seen riders wear full leathers on island.
NO you dont have to ride like a maniac on your comfy cruiser just because some idiots pass you on sport bikes and are trying to kill themselves or go to jail
I saw your post and had to respond. I have ridden just about every major brand and model of liter class sport bike available, to include BMW, Ducati, Augusta, Aprilia and most of the Japanese bikes. I love the power to weight ratio, the incredible acceleration and as you mentioned the flickable nature of those bikes in the twisties. Beyond all of those characteristics, all of those bikes share one important common trait....extreme discomfort!
If you are willing to forego comfort while riding in a tuck that brings consistent pain to your wrists, neck, back and knees after relative short periods of time in the saddle, then the sport bike may be a substitute. Speed through the corners is fun, but the long ride to those twisties is a bummer, no matter what kind of seat you apply. I have been there and done that. I even thought that a compromised ergo bike, sport tourer like the Yamaha FJR1300 would be good, and it was fun but still not overly comfortable for two up and honesty, somewhat soulless.
So, for me the Rocket III is the unique, comfortable, fast cruiser with a long tradition of putting other bikes in its class to shame. As the other guys here are saying, don't expect one bike to do it all, they don't exist. Find out what you do most and pick a bike to that thing....mine is fast comfort and great looks. To each his own.
YES right on I agree I still have sport bikes but dont want to ride the **** uncomfortable torture racks and the modded rocket is faster and more fun
There is a sense of achievement in taking such an enormous, ludicrous, monster of a bike out on twisty roads without going through a hedge. If you ride a sports bike you have to go twice as fast to get the same sense of achievement. So I wave them past.
Getting old enough to appreciate comfort too.