Bloody hell it hurts

Good point!
A surgery to repair a bone break usually means another surgery to remove the hardware in the future.
It happened to me too.
Tell me that's an old photo.
Oh ya thats while I was isolated pre surgery. So probably the 24th or 25th of June. The pretty colors are gone now. Below is the first installment on my right shoulder. Paid for by the US taxpayers
In my case the plates will stay they get covered with bone as they get calcified . They will take them out if they are causing a problems. The ome pictured above was the first of 4 surgery's. Dang prison riots!!! In the shoulder the labrum has been wired back in the socket thru the metal bushing. They predrilled the bones and hammered them in with what looked like a drift punch. The wire is the same stuff they use when they crack your chest open for heart surgery.
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Oh ya thats while I was isolated pre surgery. So probably the 24th or 25th of June. The pretty colors are gone now. Below is the first installment on my right shoulder. Paid for by the US taxpayers
Warp do you recommend to have the surgery on the shoulder?
Must be fun explaining that going through airport security...
Warp do you recommend to have the surgery on the shoulder?
I do, it is not worth gambling be cause if everything don't heal right in line it's hard to rebrake in the right place. Not saying you can't but my left clavicle was broken in 1982 snow skiing it was not properly set and heal with malunions. This time it was from crashing the Rocket. So when the forst xrayed it they were confused. Especially when they seen all the metal in the other side. I believe the doctor told the nurse that he thought I might have been put back together at a hardware store.
Yes I would and if you fly alot I'd get a card from the doctors stating you have metal in you shoulder. I did not have it and people freak out especially for me because they thought I might be armed. Anyway its easy ya close your eyes and when you wake up it will be done. If they give you opioids take them thats why they prescribe them

Thanks Warp.
I already have a good amount of titanium in my neck from a accident about 20 years ago.
Never had a issue at the airports