Blaze Anti Fog: Fraud Product

After riding without a full face helmet for most of my life, I still find myself spitting (or trying to) with the helmet closed.... yuch!
Back in the early seventies my father bought an aerosol can of anti fogging spray (can remember the name of it). Worked like a champ for full face snowmobile helmets. One evening whilst eating supper there was a large "bang" in the cupboard. Sounded like a good sized fire cracker. Turned out to be that can of anti fog. Didn't burn, just exploded. Wasn't near any heat and hadn't been disturbed for several days. Guessing maybe it was taken off the market ? :rolleyes:
I've heard that shaving cream works well for visors and then rinse off.... Never tried it myself but if theres anyone here who isn't a beardy like me, try it and let us know!
I was once told that alot of these booths that pitch products actually demo a real product but it's not what's in the bottle you buy. It's just a can of cheap lube or something. They'll never see you again and you won't see the same guy the next year so there is little risk in the scam. The bike shows only care about the rental of the booth. It's the perfect scam. Buy a $20 bottle of anti-fog, put your label on it and use it for the demo. Sell cans of $3-$5 lube to the customers for $20 each and run. It harkens back to the snake-oil days. If it ain't a brand you know or in a store you can return it to or complain, don't buy it.
If your looking for something to spray on; Clarify DeFogit. Webbikeworld does a review and swears by it, I purchased it at a show and works well.

However Pinlock is the sh*t. Best I've ever used. With the high humidity in Florida on cooler mornings fogging was a massive hassle and nothing (except for DeFogit) has worked as well as Pinlock. That being said; my beef with Pinlock: They've changed their business model recently. They used to sell the clear shields and then the colored inserts which could be stored flat, so you could have your dark tint for the day and a clear/light color for night time. Now they sell the colored shields and clear inserts. Shield is about $20 more than the insert and DOESN'T store flat.
Like TD says, toothpaste and a rince works well for swim masks as does spitting and a rince. Toothpaste and a rince on the helmet visor works too and is far cheaper than the anti-fog stuff.

I do not understand this toothpaste thingy.
Toothpaste is an abrasive and I can't see how this would be good for clear plastic.
I've heard that shaving cream works well for visors and then rinse off.... Never tried it myself but if theres anyone here who isn't a beardy like me, try it and let us know!

Barba, eh?
Is it gris?

I doubt it's the abrasive qualities that do anything. I keep my shaving mirror clear in the shower by smearing a little soap on it and splashing it off. It just coats it enough to keep it from fogging. I guess that's pretty much how all anti fog sprays/creams work, but all require re-application. Whats so good about Pinlock is not only that it works but you never have to reapply it.
I doubt it's the abrasive qualities that do anything. I keep my shaving mirror clear in the shower by smearing a little soap on it and splashing it off. It just coats it enough to keep it from fogging. I guess that's pretty much how all anti fog sprays/creams work, but all require re-application. Whats so good about Pinlock is not only that it works but you never have to reapply it.

Agreed; but, there are abrasive qualities in toothpaste that likely could affect the plastic.

So, this Pinlock is like a tear-off that applies to the shield?