Blaze Anti Fog: Fraud Product


Traveling Story Teller
Oct 17, 2013
Dumfries, Virginia
2014 R3T, RAMAIR, Full Viking Dual exhaust
My good fellows, it is with sincere embarrassment that I now post my ill conceived idea of finding the cure to cold weather fogging of the visor. At the DC bike show last month, I saw a vender selling Blaze Anti Fog, I saw the presentation using a steam mist on a treated visor and then on sunglasses and low and behold, no fogging. I didn’t buy it then because I forgot to go back as I walked around the show. Then, I saw the same folks with the same setup at the Timonium show and specifically asked if it works in cold weather down to zero degrees’ he said it did so I bought the product. Then I applied it to my visor and took it for an early morning test. Much to my chagrin, it failed. Not only did it fail to keep the fog off, but it was worse than before I applied it. I had to ride to work with the visor partially up so that the fog would stay off. Temperature was 17F this morning and I admit that riding with the visor up was a tad chili, even for me.
I went to their website to declare my disappointment and guess what; it doesn’t exist. I get Go Daddy instead. A quick internet search of Blaze Anti Fog gets me several other reports similar to what I have discovered. I will write both shows and let them know about this vendor and hopefully no one else will get taken in.
I have emailed both shows and will see if either reply.
In the mean time, I will go back to using toothpaste like I have done for decades on my swim goggles…
Going to the international bike show this Saturday.
I shall look fir this Blaze Anti-Fog crap - just for fun.
My current Nolan N43E is the first helmet that I've ever had that has a pinlock system and it works flawlessly. I've been riding in the same weather as you and no longer have any fogging issues.
tdragger said:
Yeah, we use toothpaste as a defog for scuba diving. Works well. Smear some on and after a rinse, hardly any fogging.

Interesting. I used to spit in my scuba mask. Can't see doing that in my helmet:)
Like TD says, toothpaste and a rince works well for swim masks as does spitting and a rince. Toothpaste and a rince on the helmet visor works too and is far cheaper than the anti-fog stuff.