Black Triumph Teardrop Mirrors on R3?

Is it just me or did you order the girly Rocket with the pink stripes?

I really like the look of the stripes and intend to add some when I repaint my 2012 R3R (Matte Black).
The stripes shall not be red; however, as I wish NOT to slow my Bruiser down.

I really like the look of the stripes and intend to add some when I repaint my 2012 R3R (Matte Black).
The stripes shall not be red; however, as I wish NOT to slow my Bruiser down.

By the looks of that **** picture I posted mine ain't to red either...

So the black teardrop mirrors have chrome posts ?
Or is it just the picture
By the way nice bike
You know they really are pink the tool chest is red.
You appear to have the optional pink kill switch to.

It's a shame they put those unleaded fuel stickers or whatever they are on the tank. I don't think they do that for the Australian bikes or aleast mine never had them. Mabey the dealer removed them before I saw it.

Did you ever finally get the teardrops from vibrating or what was the final outcome?
Did you ever finally get the teardrops from vibrating or what was the final outcome?

The teardrops are back on and still vibrating at 3K and above. Since the round ones don't do it at least I know it's the mirrors and not the bike,

Although I do get some weird ass vibration at 2K to 2.1 K that I can actually feel throughout the whole bike