for all of you smart a***S who make disgraceful comments about me my chaps and my body shape I will grace this thread with a pose in chaps to dispel any misconception regarding my scharzenegger shape first I have to heat up the house a bit , since posing in lingerie is a bit cold still
for all of you smart a***S who make disgraceful comments about me my chaps and my body shape I will grace this thread with a pose in chaps to dispel any misconception regarding my scharzenegger shape first I have to heat up the house a bit , since posing in lingerie is a bit cold still

OMG!!! :eek:
My dogs are already panting with anticipation! :D

BTW - there's a "W" after the "H".
I am really surprised that nobody has yet posted the picture of the pink chaps.
Every time I see someone in chaps that YMCA song starts playing in my empty head, I can proudly say I have never and will never wear leather chaps now give me a leather kilt and I will dance around like Fred Astaire.

- the Kilt part
I would like them if you think I can stretch the waist to 50", do you think it would go?
48 inches is the regular max width but if you slacken the leather shoe laces adjustment in the back you could add some extra inches . since both chaps are independant.
Seriously apart from making you look like an extra in a Frankie goes to Hollywood film clip what function do chaps actually perform ?
