We were a bit worried about our daughter Paige. She went to Capalaba to pick up her new car at 4.30 yesterday. That would have been unlucky if she got hail damage on a new car the first time she drove it. All was good.
sorry to hear that your place copped abit @Mittzy sort of went around where I am, just got wind & rain... got to do the yard cleanup tomorrow and take the bush out of the pool
One of my sons in Colorado had his Subaru WRX totalled by the hail damage. He loves the car and doesn't care about the dents so he is going to keep the car and take a savlvage title. it does run like a bat outta he11.
Storms really catch us off guard at times and let us know that nature is still a force to be reckoned with despite our best efforts.
The occasional hailstorm will wipe out our local peach/apple crops. It is the bane of farmers everywhere, but rarely do we see it large enough to do structural damage to cars or buildings.
Earlier in the year I was heading home on the bike and got got caught in a hail storm .had a open face helmet with a visor .The hail hit with such velocity that when it hit the side of the visor it broke it and the visor ended up flapping in front of my face ,on came the brakes I ended sitting there waiting for the storm to pass just about five minutes