**** bike wont start

Evil Mitch

Feb 6, 2010
Brisbane Australia
2022 Triumph Rocket 3R
Good morning fellow captains.
So i woke up this morning with intentions of going to my Muay thai class gone out to my bike put the key in the ignition and turned it............................Nothing no gauge sweep no lights anything .
so i checked to make sure my kill switch wasnt on but no that wasnt it.
Next i checked the battery with my charger and it says it has full charge also i turned the led accent lights on with the remote and they wher getting power so its not the battery.
Next i pulled all of my fuses and they all look good lifted the tank to see if my ignition/headlight relays had come loose and switched them around and still nothing Im puzzeled i cant see any loose conections anywhere i last rode the beast on friday with no drama it was in the rain so maybe something got wet?

Any suggestions guys?
regards Mitch
Thanks Gothlander I wriggled them under the ignition nothing so I followed the wires under the tank and wiggled connection and presto power cheers

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Thanks Gothlander I wriggled them under the ignition nothing so I followed the wires under the tank and wiggled connection and presto power cheers

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Sounds like time for the relocation kit.
It might pay to put some dialectic grease in the connections that would stop water getting in to the connection. I had a funny thing happening while riding from the Island this morning in the torentual rain ... My headlight were switching themselves on to high beam every so often .... Water had gotten into the left hand switch block.... Must have been annoying to oncoming traffic I know it was annoying me

Welcome back Hanso hope your trip was a good one mate

The problem with my beast was a simple fix . I have all my wiring re routed through my handle bars which comes out under my tank in heat shrink and into a new corsa connector block . It was just the pin from one of the wires had pulled itself out of the block. I pushed it back in and presto all sweet . I really should grab some of that electrical grease though when i get a chance to save future heart ache.

Just to confuse the matter and purely by chance the earth strap for my indicators had worked loose and they wher all flashing together " i have kurryakin silver bullets single wire and housing is earth but rear indicators dont get a good earth on numberplate bracket so i had to make an earth strap" so i was looking for something else loose in the area of the loom. I finally gave up and spat the dummy I woke up in the early hours of the morning and thought to myself what a *****head i know what it is its the bloody earth strap . Went out into the shed tightened it and presto all sweet again. I had forgotton that the new indicators wher single wire with housing for earth so i didnt even think to check it
All good now though
Glad you got it sorted Mitch. It's always nice when it's something simple, even it takes a while to find it.

Argh I spoke to soon mate i gotta go to work now but she wont fire up again when i wobble the plug that comes from the ignition switch she loses power there is a problem with the plug or a break in a wire or something looks like all the solders at the bottom of the ignition are all still in place i think its at the harness end .
I have it apart now and i am trying to solve it but it will have to wait till i finnish work at midnight now **** it .
****en bike better pull its **** together or ill be parking something else in its place