Bike won't start . . .need ideas please

I did the something different to you I stopped in to see an old family friend and just put the side stand down with it still in gear bike stopped hopped off went inside came out an 1½ later to dead battery. Called the AA for help was going to be an hour so just went to the battery shop and got a new one as it was nearly 3 years old.

Gave old battery to me cousin and he put it in his quad bike which had a pull start aswell as electric start.

Wasn't going to risk it failing in the middle of nowhere.

Safe storage cost and get a new battery and it should fire up.

Any voltage below I think 12.2v and the beast will have trouble turning over.

Good luck.
Same thing I had with the Rocket I just got. No lights, wiggle wires under tank, and lights are on. No start, wiggle wires under tank, and it starts. Traced to ignition switch which is now bypassed and the bike now has lights and starts every time.
Well I am glad she is up and running but sounds like it needs some more work. I was thinking ignition before you wiggled the wires but since it is newer then the middle of 08 is has the new ignition plug connector which is supposed to be moisture proof. since this plug has been in service on the Rocket I have seen it burn inside and loose connection might even be the wires you wiggled so at day light you might want to take a look. below is a shot of the newer style connector. I would check this first before you just assume the ignition switch is bad. I would also check each fuse with a multi-meter not just vision.

Also, the roadsters have the newer ignition circuit. The EB kit shouldn't be needed.

IIRC @DEcosse, is the master electrician 'round these parts, is in the bay area and make a kick @ss keyless system that bypasses all that stuff. You might inquire with him before buying something that is not needed
Also, the roadsters have the newer ignition circuit. The EB kit shouldn't be needed

That is generally true except for the initial run of Roadsters which had similar scheme to the classics- there was a recall to those to provide a key-switch bypass which if applicable may or not have been done

@bdpq -are you still in City? If you can get down to Pleasanton (intersection of I580 & I680) I can take a look at things for you - send me PM & I'll give you my number
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Omg I live in San Ramon! I am in the city today, this is great!
The Ontario CA location was confusing me - thought you were maybe on a road trip or something ....
But that doesn't disqualify you

What year is your Roadster?