Bike Insurance..

I can see where you believe your statistics are unbiased I certainly don't have inferior knowledge to you regarding my country's budget. I'm also certainly not saying we get everything right! But you post a page with fictional charts (particularly since we don't even yet have a 2016 budget!) as for social security I agree with you in principal. However, our congress broke that principal decades ago when they began spending social security funds on social welfare programs and blended those revenue sources. Even so, while they are intended to be "prepayment contributions" to a retirement fund that is still a "form" of taxed social welfare.
While you're so busy hating that "war machine" spending you should shut off your GPS and Internet since both were developed by the hideous program and released to the world to utilize at no cost
You can also post an informative link to how insurance works without including an editorial on your opinion of American insurance.
I shall start a forum for you in the final drive, feel free to post your poorly informed, biased diatribe there all you want. But please stop turning every thread into an opportunity for you to express your disdain with my country!
Reactions: Jag

I might need to re negotiate, alarmed garage would help. I'll have two bikes with them next year as my other bike is with Insure My Ride at the moment... Good to know about your deal though Cheers

I might need to re negotiate, alarmed garage would help. I'll have two bikes with them next year as my other bike is with Insure My Ride at the moment... Good to know about your deal though Cheers

Why was d a m n deleted?