Bike Insurance..

Here in the UK we pay around 60% duty on petrol... not nice.:eek:
That's ridiculous. Although there are a surprising number of people here advocating higher taxes on gasoline to try and force people to our ****ty public transit. Here's our local gas cost breakdown in USD/gallon (amount from a data point last year):

$3.926 Retail price
$0.351 Distribution cost, marketing costs, and profits
$2.490 Crude oil cost
$0.435 Refinery cost and profits
$0.020 State underground storage tank fee
$0.086 State and local sales tax
$0.360 State excise tax
$0.184 Federal excise tax

Works out to be about 20% gov't taxes. California requires a different gasoline than the rest of the U.S. due to tougher air quality regulations, so while there's a ton of oil here, our specialized refineries don't get the benefit of national distribution so their costs are higher, and when a refinery blows up (like an ExxonMobile one did a few months ago), there can be spikes in pricing.
That's one of the few things I'll be happy to leave behind in Germany! My full insurance in the states for the rocket and the triple was $320/year. Here in Germany for the same coverage it's $250/MONTH :eek:
That's one of the few things I'll be happy to leave behind in Germany! My full insurance in the states for the rocket and the triple was $320/year. Here in Germany for the same coverage it's $250/MONTH :eek:
I came off a 07 V-Rod at 940 a year for full coverage and full medical and was pleased at 359 a year for the 06 rocket 3 with full medical coverage and full collision and comprehensive (deer up here in N.Michigan)
People will buy a 20oz water at the convince store for a 1.50 and not say a word, then buy gas for 3.50 a gallon and ***** up a storm! I don't understand?
Read this:

I'm not kidding, if you're an American especially with your horrible bankruptcy-generating health care you need to study that PDF. Helpful for anyone anywhere though to a lesser degree.

It's a decade old, so all the numbers need to be adjusted up considerably across the board.

Just "having insurance" or "full coverage" are meaningless mouth noises.
Although there are a surprising number of people here advocating higher taxes on gasoline to try and force people to our ****ty public transit.

The gas tax hasn't been raised over there since the 1990s. Meanwhile, gas and everything else - including the road maintenance that is paid for out of that tax - has gotten three times more expensive as the dollar has lost huge amounts of its value, so there is now hugely less money for maintenance of roads and infrastructure. Which is why it is in such ****ty shape, it should be a huge warning flag especially to competition-focused right wingers who love competition. You can't compete with other nations if your roads and bridges and everything else are falling apart, and right now you have some 70000 (that's seventy thousand) bridges that are structurally deficient to pick just one big number.

But when the US spends literally 50% of the entire federal budget on the war machine, and most of the remainder on paying interest on foreign loans and congress completely lacks the balls to raise the gas tax by a factor of at least three, I guess things will keep deteriorating.

Taxes are something people pay into a joint kitty so it can be rationally used to build communal infrastructure of all kinds. It's not just a random fee...
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Here in the UK we pay around 60% duty on petrol... not nice.:eek:

No, but it is nice to have the best health care in the world, I bet. For no more fees than the taxes you pay. Not to mention roads that actually get maintained... You can't get high quality social services for free, someone has to pay for it.
We get Pineappled from every angle.
