Can you PLEASE stop trying to act as if you're an expert (critic is probably a better term) on American policy, culture, and issues??
Expert? I was talking about the most obvious of issues that get reported everywhere constantly. This is stuff everyone in America should be well aware of by now, and info I've picked up along the way without even trying to find it.
Heck, the video I linked in is just
one basic source of knowledge that goes over the catastrophic state of US infrastrucure in excruciating detail, albeit the Last Week Tonight one is also quite funny, in a "laughing while you sink" kind of way, all because Americans think taxes are evil. The US needs to spend over $4 trillion immediately on infrastructure just to halt the decay, according to the ASCE.
I admit it annoys the hell out of me when people talk about taxes like it's a punishment and not the blessing it truly is to have good quality jointly funded infrastructure and social services, and it tends to make me protest loudly. Taxes are a beautiful thing.
Granted, this may not be the forum to do it, but when someone says something uninformed and downright wrong, it gets difficult to not point that out and suggest they learn something more on the topic. But sure, I can try harder to not be informative on matters not motorcycle related if that makes you more comfortable.
That said, I disagree with your notion that a person can't be aware of the many major issues in America just because they aren't living there. The issues with American health care are also documented in excruciating detail for anyone who cares to look. The WHO rates US health care as number 37 in the world, in spite of the fact that health care spending per capita in the US is number 1 - ie, the most expensive in the world. So there is something severely wrong with the whole for-profit philsophy. Also, 60% of all US bankruptcies are related to medical costs, and the vast majority of the those bankruptcies were people who had insurance, the costs were still enough to break them. This is not a matter of being an expert or knowitall or not, this is all public and easily findable statistics and data on the topic, thus the US health care system is de facto bankruptcy-generating.
You may dislike my stating it, and I certainly don't claim to be an expert on all things America, but I do know how to find and interpret basic information available to everyone.
And finally, the insurance post was also about making people look at what they actually have insofar as coverage. I'm 100% sure that someone on this board will have hugely insufficient un- and underinsured coverage, for instance, something that is very important especially in the US... where some statistics show that 14% of motorists are entirely uninsured, and many health care plans don't cover car accidents at all. Therefore, it's up to you to have coverage for that. Just a PSA, in other words...
I've also never claimed Finland - or the UK - were perfect. The issues are just different. But the concept of "medical bankruptcy" literally doesn't exist in either of those two places, for instance, which I think is a better way.