bike dying and bad missfire

Check the 30amp fuse in fuse box. I had similar problems (main beam light comin on bike running rough) It was a bad connection in fuse box.
Check the 30amp fuse in fuse box. I had similar problems (main beam light comin on bike running rough) It was a bad connection in fuse box.

You were spot on.
yesterday did 250 miles through the welsh mountains and she did not miss a beat, in fact was smoother and crisper than she has been for a while.
It was a combination of the 30amp fuse and the handlebar kill switch, a bit if wd40 and a new set of fuses did the trick.
Well I was totally wrong.
After a good few long rides of about 800 miles, went for a coffee in the middle of no were came out and bike was totally dead. as if someone had nicked the battery. So this is a plus as if i find the fault I have without doubt fixed it, the minus is breakdown truck if i can't. Checked fuse box, switch nothing, fiddled with battery and it flickered a bit. Found a wire attached to the positive which runs to the main harness and is attached with a plug fitting. There was nothing left inside totally rotted away, it must have been like this for years and has been arcing a connection, its hidden away and hard to find. Bypassed the plug with a length of wire and bike is like new. Idle for the very first time is solid and does not waver at all, wot a ride home loved it

I must say this is the only major fault I have had in 60,000 miles
Pleased you have found your fault.

Bet it's felt like a new bike with a proper flow of power from the battery.

I must get some cable from work the they use on the welders big and heavy as positive and negative leads.
Pleased you have found your fault.

Bet it's felt like a new bike with a proper flow of power from the battery.

I must get some cable from work the they use on the welders big and heavy as positive and negative leads.

It is like a new bike its been faulty for a long while by the look of it