There was a time when 650 cc was the king of the road.
When most roads were gravel and you had to understand that riding on gravel was like steering a boat on water. You had to let the front tire float and gently guide as it planed.
At the end of the day you would pull under over on the side of a country road take your night roll and sleep under a bridge. Bath the cool water of a creek feeling the minnows swimming in the current.
Stop at a diner and get as many cups of coffee you wanted for a nickle and breakfast for under a buck.
$20.00 was a weeks worth of adventure.
Today everyone is so into technology they have forgotten how to live.
Admit it we are dinosaurs. All we can hope to do is pass on what we know so there is always a candle of hope for others to follow.
Yep, this was me in my youth.
My revenue stream always had cash flow so I could travel at will.
Long days of riding and stopping for a three coarse meal (Two beers and a pie) somewhere was all it took.
Back then I would head out with ten $10 notes in my R/H pocket, time for gas or a meal, I'd dip into that R/h pocket, pull out a tenner and put the change in my L/H pocket.
When I ran out of tens, I'd head for home.
Getting home (sometimes only just) with no coin left was a 100% successful trip.

All of this done on either a 1952 Matchless 500 single (15-16years old) a 750 Norton Combat Commando (the hot ones, and yes I did blow it to bits, many times) (16-19) then a string of Triumph Triples (19 to present

Man, I saw the country, meet a heap of great people and LIVED LIFE