Nice work, Sunny.

My understanding is that Richard isn't currently focussing too much time on headers, but that doesn't mean that he won't do. ....He's a busy man.
My understanding is that Paul Bryant is developing some big bore headers and matching tail end......Anyone wanting bigger headers, I suggest it might be worth asking how far down the road he's got with it.
Just pinged him so I will let everyone know when I hear back. That way he doesn't have to reply to 20 emails.
Here is what I got in my mailbox today:

my apologies for the delay getting back to you, I've been out riding for a week.

We're looking at about a Month out to have this current pipe sorted.
The heat shield is taking shape, making the heat shield itself is one thing, but it's all the making of the mould and plug etc to be able produce the item that has taken the time.

I've always been a little concerned as to what a heat shield would look like styling wise, but this one is actually enhancing the over all look/style.

I'll get some photos today and will send them through.


No photos yet but when I get them I will post them here.
(above is a direct quote and all grammar and spelling belongs to Paul)
Could use the old drag racing trick of running a long pipe and then cutting it off 6 inches past where it turns color/burns the paint off.
Yea it's works mostly on 2 stroke. Done that a few times. You end up chasing your tail a bit because it's a constant retune on most cuts on non 2 stroke engines.
That is to say it's easier to build a high end exhaust and then tune the fuel map for it.