Best map for r3 2005 classic with bypass and ramair setup

Just took it for a quick spin. It's definatly louder and seems more responsive.
I have a rattle on deceleration as the revs drop below 2000. It's not mechanical but something loose. I checked all the heat shields and they are tight. Suspecting the radiator surround. Not going to stop me riding it but is just annoying. Oh well one thing at a time I guess
That rattle is probably just the noise coming out of the motor through the ramair.

Do you have the bear claw on or off the bike.

I finally took the bear claw off mine and went for a day ride and could hear a strange noises.

Wasn't until on the way home that I gave it a hand full of the jandle that I realised that it was the induction noise.
No. Definatley not the filter. It was there before. Its something loose. Only happens on decel tho so real hard to track down. Its as the revs drop off something just finds its sweet rattle spot.
yeah mine does the same, has a rattle at the front somewhere i too suspect the housing around the radiator.