Best heated gloves???

Whacha say Mr. Skip, I haven't had a chance to ride since mid July. First right rotator cuff and then while trying to rehab they find I had some major **** going on in my neck that was what was giving me most of my problems. So I had that fixed last month and while they were there they fixed the carpul tunnel in my right arm. I have just returned to work Monday on light duty and needless to say I still haven't been released to ride. That is the reason my bike is over in Claremore at the boys. He is installing a new front tire and riding it to work every now and then. He is the one I want the gloves for. Ride safe

Glad to hear from you my man.
That ain't your fleetliner fairing on ebay is it ?
I'd sure like to get that for the wifes rock,
but she said no, she's happy with her shield.
glad they got you straightened out.
You should be good to go by the time RAA6 gets here in May huh ?
Maybe you, me, Lon and Lupe could all ride together to N.C.
Take care of yourself bro,
You might want to check out Warm & Safe, from what I've heard of there the best heated clothing on the market alot of the hardcore guys on the other sites that ride year round in any wheather condition swear by them. The customer service is top notch to nobody has anything bad to say about them.
I have been using the EXO2 heated gloves and I am very pleased and impressed.

It is very cold in the UK at the moment and I have been out quite a lot, finding the Heated gloves warmer on my Rocket than the Oxford Grips on the wifes Biffa?

You pay your monies and take your pick!


I have a set of tourmaster heated gloves. Plug into the auxilliary jack. Thinsulate, leather, waterproof and warm. Way better than heated grips and will take you to below freezing point.

Issue I had is that the gloves are a bit bulkier so the throttle will feel heavier on a long drive. I was always fiddling with the throttle tensioner. Also, get gloves that fit tighter than you would with regular gloves. You read about this AFTER you get them home.

Btw tourmaster work dandy.