I was in a grocery store parking lot in my home town last year, had my helmet on and getting ready to ride off when an older guy came up and started checking out my Rocket. He was very interested and we talked for a bit, I got around to asking his name and not recognizing him about fell over when he told me. I've known him for 50 years, been a looong time since I last saw him. I immediately took off my helmet and we did a lot of catching up (he's about 4 years older than me, but well known in our little town). He said he last had a Gold Wing before he gave up riding. But he sure liked my Rocket! He was way interested and knew his way around these two wheelers. I was a junior in high school when a class mate had an early Gold Wing. I never had one, but always liked them since then. (Did get me a 1978 Honda CB-750-K brand new back in the day, though).
I always get comments when getting gas, too. But seeing Alex again was special. I didn't know he was a rider.