Best Battery

I have a 2008 standard. Sounds like Scorpion is the way to go for me. And DanDiego is totally right. Terminals on the side sound like a nice bonus for my PC8 and battery tender to be attached to.

I love asking a question before bed and waking up with all my problems solved thanks to this site. All the best!
Bike Batt . COM

MOTO BATT Direct fit

2 year warrenty

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New Replacement for 2 Years for 15.95 to cover shipping.

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The old battery has bit the dust so its time for a new one. Looks like its the Scorpion for me since my ol buddy Skip says it's the one to have. Just ordered a new one for 88.00 delievered.
I must be the only one with the odyssey 680

put it in a year ago shaved the external ribs and dropped it in worked fine in cold and warm weather

a month ago bought a new interstates batt now i have two but the 680 crank the motor quicker than the interstate
I had some minor work done on mine back when I was flat on my back in a local mc shop. I told them to replace the battery with a lithium. They put back and el cheap-o that cost me only $80 bucks. I immediately knew it couldn't be a lithium when I saw the bill. BUT it had been doing exceptionally well even in the cold weather. If it fails, I will put another one in parallell with it. I have the room now with no air cleaner under the seat.

Sounds like I need to load up and visit TEvans, Mexican and Skipper. Sounds like they are all in the same area. Wait...MC down for hp augmentation... Well, when I'm back running will come see y'all. You aren't but a couple of hundred miles N of me.
I was somewhat disappointed in the Odyssey PC625. It would spin the motor fast for a few seconds and then quickly fade. Plus, it required a special charger.

Now run a Scorpion and use a standard Battery Tender Jr. No probs.

The 680 might work but I think that I'm going to shy away from Odyssey for the Rocket.
+1 on the Scorpion battery. Went through 3 different batteries in the past year, and the Scorpion is clearly the best choice. The bike has fired up strongly each and every time...even when temps have been at their coldest here.

I used a regular trickle charger for the 680 after I spoke to some very experienced batteries reconditionners people.
they all say the same basically any charger will do on the odyssey like any other AGM and the rest is commercial hype to make riders spend more money . next ime when needed I will double up the 680 in the space available and it should be the perfect setup