Glad you got one Eric! You're gonna love the bike.
Two things.
The Triumph heated grips have had serious problems in the past. Maybe they've fixed em but I would keep the stock throttle tube & grip in the pannier.
The heated grip tends to break and pull the lug out of the throttle tube. Do a search and you'll find plenty of captains with this complaint.
Be sure to lube that clutch cable AND the lug.
I had read that the little pc of plastic wrapped around the lug was self lubricating and that oils would break it down. So I just wiped it with a cloth when lubing the cable.
My cable broke at the lug and there are several other captains that have had the same thing happen. So, lube the cable and the lug a couple of times a season and inspect the strands at the lug closely.
If you do break a cable; Barnetts makes a great cable at a good price and can get it to you faster than most dealers can get OEM.