Been thinking about a new Rocket 3 Touring

Maybe, but you if save a copy of the original tune, you can restore it. But if they hook the bike up to the Ivory Tower they might still be able to tell the ECU has been written to. Your dealer would be instrumental in pleading on your behalf. And in fact to disallow the warranty in the US by law they have to show that your modified tune was responsible for whatever went wrong, and I doubt that would be the case, given the usual things that Rockets get warranty service for.
First thing I changed was the stock windshield to a Cee Bailey 22" with light grey tint. I'm 6-2, 240 and the buffeting coming over the stock 16" windscreen was more than I needed on my daily commutes to and from work. Having previously purchased 2 windshields for my BMW K1200 and R1100RT I knew the Cee Bailey would do the trick, and it did. I am able to comfortably sit upright with a natural ergonomic reach to the stock handlebars and just a slight breeze over the top at 70+ MPH. ABS should be a must-have on anyone's list, especially with that much power and mass. A Saddlemen 3515-0107 Back Seat Bar Bag purchased through Amazon was the final add-on for those upcoming weekend trips with my riding partner and wife. Can't think of a thing to add for now, until I read more of these great posts!
Out of curiosity did the original poster ever get either bike? I have sold bikes and I notice those that nitpick on little things are usually just looking for an excuse to not buy it. They drive me nuts but everybody is different.
Out of curiosity did the original poster ever get either bike? I have sold bikes and I notice those that nitpick on little things are usually just looking for an excuse to not buy it. They drive me nuts but everybody is different.
Hi Dave, yes I bought a 2015 r3t new last October. I only have 377 miles on it due to winter storage. I'm very happy with it and can't wait to begin a new riding season.
I traded my Nomad, and got a great end of season price on the Rocket.
Out of curiosity did the original poster ever get either bike? I have sold bikes and I notice those that nitpick on little things are usually just looking for an excuse to not buy it. They drive me nuts but everybody is different.
That's a good point Dave about people nitpicking. I have bought 28 bikes so far, only 2 were new, (2006 VMAX and this R3T). Out of the 26 used bikes, not one of them was a bad bike. I say that because I asked the owner questions to understand the bikes condition and mood. Were they perfect? Not at all, but each one had its good points and I took them for what they were. Nitpicking a used bike is silly as none are perfect. Even the as new shiny low mileage bikes have a problem; they haven't been ridden enough to work out their bugs.
Hi Dave, yes I bought a 2015 r3t new last October. I only have 377 miles on it due to winter storage. I'm very happy with it and can't wait to begin a new riding season.
I traded my Nomad, and got a great end of season price on the Rocket.

Good for you Eric, I think you'll love it. Its beat all my expectations. I added the long haul touring seat and the backrest. I also had Clearview make me a different windshield slightly taller and slightly wider and with a vent and the recurve. I purchased the McCruise cruise control and although it was expensive it was the best mod I did to the bike. Its fun setting up the bike to exactly fit your needs and wants because the basic Rocket platform is really excellent. Have fun.
Glad you got one Eric! You're gonna love the bike.

Two things.

The Triumph heated grips have had serious problems in the past. Maybe they've fixed em but I would keep the stock throttle tube & grip in the pannier.
The heated grip tends to break and pull the lug out of the throttle tube. Do a search and you'll find plenty of captains with this complaint.

Be sure to lube that clutch cable AND the lug.
I had read that the little pc of plastic wrapped around the lug was self lubricating and that oils would break it down. So I just wiped it with a cloth when lubing the cable.
My cable broke at the lug and there are several other captains that have had the same thing happen. So, lube the cable and the lug a couple of times a season and inspect the strands at the lug closely.

If you do break a cable; Barnetts makes a great cable at a good price and can get it to you faster than most dealers can get OEM.

Dave see my other thread that I started recently about the Clearview. I added a couple of pics.
Take care , Eric
Scott, thanks for the info about the clutch cable. What do you mean by lubricating the "lug"?