Bearclaw elimination and showing off the triple filters?


Aug 16, 2008
Has anyone seen or heard of anyplace selling something that bolts to the same place as the bearclaw but is cut to show off the triple filters? I've seen a few guys here have done it themselves with various materials and designs, but for some of us we just don't have the tools to do it right. Just leaving it off is a way to go, but it just looks unfinished leaving the mounting points exposed. I was hoping to find something that not only takes care of hiding the mounts, but also covers the exposed wiring, linkages and fuel rail. Any dirrection you can point me would be a big help, I love the way the triple K&N's look and I want to see them uncovered. Maybe Flip can add this idea to his product line. (hint hint);)
Yes, im making these from carbon fiber. Im not sure if it would fit the touring model. (havn't really looked at one close) I am in the process of making some stuff for the rocket now,and if anyone interested, please let me know.

I might be interested in one for the R3T, if the price were right! Don't have the tripple K&N's yet, but this would give me good reason!
Wonder if Peter Carleo shot himself yet? The problems seem worse everytime I stop in. If folks would join this site before buying I wonder how many would still buy.
What does this comment have to do with this thread? I have a July '04 model with 43,000+ miles on it, no upgrade kit, no mechanical problems ever. You must still have a liking for the Rocket since you're here so often.. :) You did a cool job with your Rocket, Jack, but if you didn't like it, move on to your Raider, or 'Busa, or one of your other toys.

Wonder if Peter Carleo shot himself yet? The problems seem worse everytime I stop in. If folks would join this site before buying I wonder how many would still buy.
Wonder if Peter Carleo shot himself yet? The problems seem worse everytime I stop in. If folks would join this site before buying I wonder how many would still buy.

I joined before buying! Even checked out "that other site". I still bought an R3T and love it. I've suffered the clutch lifter failure, pre-mature de-skinning of the rear tire and have to take it in for the tire recall and the GPS. My dealer has been great and the positives still greatly outweigh the negatives.:D
Seems like most everybody who bought one, would buy another one,
whether they've had a few problems or not.
The ones who sold theirs seem to have a bad taste in their mouths now for some reason, couldn't be "boy I screwed up and now I'm so jealous" could it?
Heck mine had the output shaft bearing go out the first year I had it.
Had to wait two months during prime riding season for parts and labor, but I'd sure like to have another one in the stable.
But then,
I ain't a ****** rocket kind of guy.
Spike sure was fine, hope you're happy with your decision to upgrade, downgrade, whatever it turned out to be.
Sorry MM, wasn't trying to steal your thread.
I took my dremil tool and cut mine down.
I was leary of screwing it up, but the fender fab guy said just go for it.
It sounded like sound advice.
I cut it about 1/4 inch bigger than I wanted to leaving room for error.
Then fine tuned it down after I had a feel for it after the first cut.
Try it,
you won't mess it up.