I have the Carpenter kit and the original stock 5 year old battery, but with upgraded starter and larger size cables, starts bike at 25 or 30 F no problem, even after sitting a month.
The Shorai battery was a piece of S....t for me because it would crap out after any length of time with the ignition on without the engine running. Over $300 and turned out to be crap.
You cannot get a free lunch! The Shorai left me stranded,
Take your chance and live with it.

I also have one of those very expensive paper weights.
I ran the Shorai 27 originally and then they upgraded to the 36 when I complained of poor cold weather performance. It did not get better. Takes about 10-15 minutes of trying then waiting and trying again for the battery to "warm up" enough to kick the stock motor. Never stranded me but the 10 minute wait was a pain in the ass. I will say when the temps were over 50 degrees, the Shorai spun that motor up like nobody's business.
Never stranded me but the 10 minute wait was a pain in the ass

On the other hand, with lead acid you would have gotten one shot at it, after which you would have been stranded as every attempt after that would have been weaker.

That said, maybe a beefy AGM would work for the people with major cold starting needs, that's a good technology too.
I'm running my old Guzzi with an AGM and LiFePO4 in parallel - best of both worlds. When the R3 battery dies - this is what it will get as well. MotoBatt AGM and I'll build the LiFePO4 (probably Headway 8ah high discharge cells).
Maybe I charged the Shorai incorrectly. What kind of trickle charger do you use when wired in parallel with an AGM?
Could I please get some more details on this set up, where i live its cold 11mths a year and battery dies after 2 days off the trickle charger. Wanting to do the same with a dual battery setup but seem to be all 4x4 information
Could I please get some more details on this set up, where i live its cold 11mths a year and battery dies after 2 days off the trickle charger. Wanting to do the same with a dual battery setup but seem to be all 4x4 information

I would start by moving some place warmer ;)