Battery life

That is not a good message to get from the power company sounds like you'll have to run generator in one hour intervals to conserve fuel but keep everything cold it does look like one hell of a storm. It looks like New York is going to get a dose of it this time best of luck.
Hi I live in Southern Sydney, Australia Does anyone now of a good Rocket 3 Mechanic ?
Yeah, but he's about 24hrs behind your time zone. LOL

Canberra or another of those Kangaroo wranglers might be able to help you answer that question ... I suggest you go to the "Introduce yourself" forum and introduce yourself. As part of the introductions ask that question again, one of those guys from your neck of the planet will surely notice and try to help.

But welcome from Delaware (before it gets blown into the ocean by Irene) anyway.
I've the same troubles with the battery. Mine won't start in the winter months, it's the original one so its about 2 years old. I also have a tender on both my bikes and with a battery thats in good condition they work great but obviously wont resurrect an old and ailing one.
If the battery is low it creates its own problem because all the power goes to the starter it means there's not enough power left for the spark.
The stock battery is only 270 cold cranking amps, those in the know recommend at least 360 CCA especially in areas that experience below freezing temps (we get to minus 8 here).
The cheapest one I've seen so far is over $300 from a battery specialist in Brisbane.
Jesse I started having the same problem this year replaced with an oddessy pc545-p no mod needed plug and play no problems since
looks like I'm going to have put one on thanks for the part numbers. I charged mine going to do the 12 min. tune or attempt it again same thing happened that happened last night it ran till the fan came on after the fan kicked off it ran for about two more minutes and shut down battery not maintaining, I guess it is better to find it out in the shop then it is on the road.
ride it more often then ur battery wont be dead
ride it more often then ur battery wont be dead
would love to but do to some illness have to stay closer to home nothing I'll love better, that bike is my tension release, but I put the battery On slow charge last night after it failed. it started the bike great today just not enough amperage storage left in it to pull it through the 12 min. tune, the charging system does not kick in until 1000 RPMs idling is just a dead drain, I found out that little fact serval years a go at Sturgis idling in all of the traffic, Looks like I'll have to have a new battery a specially before Arkansas trip.