nothing said wrong
was just a joke
most people that i help does not know how to properly use a multimeter or a 12 volt test light i usually tell them to to set meter to the 20 volt scale and put red probe on this put black probe on that or put the clamp here and the test light probe on that so it takes some typing to help someone out.
i helped a guy after triumph (can not do anything without putting wiring back to original) and two other experts working left him with a no start and his headlights update the wiring and relays cut out and handed to him. in all fairness it had the guard dawg (the big one) and the lights on extra relays. but no one wanted to work on this bike.
GEEZEUSCHRIST, i keep forgetting that are people out there that are helpless with some things but masters at others. I saw a old fart out on a AMAZING 2016 Indian Springfield, but looked like a tortoise trying to walk in a circle, i was CONVINCED he was going to drop it at the gas station i was at. that guy has NO ability to move a motorcycle at anything but highway speed. it was painful. You would think that anyone who can ride a motorcycle or come on these forums asking about how to fix said motorcycle could perform basic tasks and know basic terminology like "oil filter" or "multimeter"
It is valid recall. I took my R3GT in for the rear master cylinder replacement and they said there was also a battery main fuse recall. It was performed, although I've had no problem.
Speaking of dealers and service agents.....
My local Triumph dealer informed me the other week, that when a bike is serviced with them, they always put a new battery in the key fob as a matter of course.
Something I would not have expected the dealer to do.
It is valid recall. I took my R3GT in for the rear master cylinder replacement and they said there was also a battery main fuse recall. It was performed, although I've had no problem.
Thanks for the info Vector! Despite my bike (VIN) is not included in the battery main fuse recall, I'll contact the dealer again. It is not fair that a motorcycle of this cost generates insecurity due to charging problems.
Hi friends! what do you think about this dramatic (but ultimate!) solution to the battery draining issue?
A switch battery terminal ! its drawback is the reset of the date and clock of the cluster display............