So sorry. Hope the facilities are as good as Montrose seemed to be. Tell him to behave himself this time

Ya know his first attack was at your place the night we imposed on you and Christine on route to Montrose. Now he's in Anchorage, AK for #2.
What piss poor fortune!
I will pass along your sentiments today.
Here's a song for him, tell him I said he better get well cuz he's probably not going to heaven.

Song is Anchored down in Anchorage.

This will be read to Dan!
Dan has just come out of surgery.
Doctor says all went perfect and Dan is now in recovery.
I have been relaying all your wishes and concern to Dan daily.
Every time I relay this info he is obviously moved.
For my part, I am so impressed with my brothers on this forum, I findit difficult to express the appropriate amount of gratitude!

Excellent news ! Go Dan !