@Wrecka and heaps of fellow forum users. I noticed your posted image in your sig block has been affected by Photobuckets revised rules for free users disallowing the posting of photos in forums and 3rd party locations etc. It appears you can only access them for personal use now.
I have no intention of paying a Photobucket subscription either as I am not a big user or photo taker but have posted maybe 1000 copied images over the past 10 years to various forums which are now all lost like yours. WTF it is a real pain in the arse and I have no intention of now saving them all to personal storage and then reposting them all it would take months. It is a real scam to force people to pay subscription fees but along the way many forum's archives are going to be affected especially for collector's and technical support forums.
For future use it is important we now save images in our personal storage and link or copy them from there to our forums.
I think I will post a new thread re this issue.