Auto tuner for '08 Rocket?

Interesting product though I must say that it does pale in comparison to a custom map. The person who tunes all of my bikes has a dynojet with a load cell and he dues use the tuning link software which populates the table. This is nothing more then a starting point as I have personally watched him tune many bikes and there is another hour- two hours to adjust the table to the specific bike every 250 rpms in every gear.
Also this autotune does not adjust the timing only fuel tables...alot of power is left on the table when a/f is the only value which is the variable.

Interesting product though I must say that it does pale in comparison to a custom map. The person who tunes all of my bikes has a dynojet with a load cell and he dues use the tuning link software which populates the table. This is nothing more then a starting point as I have personally watched him tune many bikes and there is another hour- two hours to adjust the table to the specific bike every 250 rpms in every gear.
Also this autotune does not adjust the timing only fuel tables...alot of power is left on the table when a/f is the only value which is the variable.

Young Sir you asked for a link.. I provided it.... Mine works fine so I am happy, not willing to dive in to the depth with you...sorry.. :cool:
Young...well 45 may or may not be by some standards...over 600k miles on two wheels...2 Wally's from drag racing..over a period of ten years, several big bore busas, several turbo busas and a host of other bikes from every make model....

A qualified tuner who has a load cell will produce superior results over any download map or auto tuner which can not accommodate the variances from bike to bike...a/f ratio which is stoichiometric is not going to maximize hp and torque from an autotuner...this is especially true when ethanol is introduced in to the mix and varies from gas station to gas station, gas is 14:1 and ethanol is 9:1

Young Sir you asked for a link.. I provided it.... Mine works fine so I am happy, not willing to dive in to the depth with you...sorry.. :cool:
Young...well 45 may or may not be by some standards...over 600k miles on two wheels...2 Wally's from drag racing..over a period of ten years, several big bore busas, several turbo busas and a host of other bikes from every make model....

A qualified tuner who has a load cell will produce superior results over any download map or auto tuner which can not accommodate the variances from bike to bike...a/f ratio which is stoichiometric is not going to maximize hp and torque from an autotuner...this is especially true when ethanol is introduced in to the mix and varies from gas station to gas station, gas is 14:1 and ethanol is 9:1

Great Im happy for you Sir.. thanks for sharing :D
Cool it

Okay you guys. Let's not get our pants all in a knot here and get some bruised feelings. I think the main point here, at least for myself the average rider, is the stock MAP that Dynojet provided for the Rocket works great on "Most" stock Rockets with mufflers replaced and maybe a few intake modifications.

Yes I completely agree if you have your bike tuned on a Dyno, the tuner can make a MAP customized for your bike. But I believe the real point here is a lot of us don't want to, nor have the extra jingle in our pockets, to go to the tuner for a custom MAP.

Again, for me, the guy who just wanted my Rocket to run better and not be a "Lean machine," the stock MAP using the A/T works excellent! "Bang for the buck" here guys. ;)