Welcome throttlegripper,
this is a good sane place so any gentlemen riders should fit right in...
NOT.. Oh wait a minute, if we were sane riders we would've
bought a gold wang, or shirley pu****some. oh well welcome to the
adrenaline junkies corner of the world then...

to GOD be the glory
Poor bugger,it was 78.8 here yesterday and meant to be the same here today:D:D

It's so frigg'in cold here, I don't even want to be in the shop. The corn burner is going flat out and it's still about 50. The wind is blowing so hard the snow is coming under the overhead door seal and wetting the floor.......you get the idea.
Freeze the nuts off a brass monkey ah Flip, Well you probably don't want to hear how I just mowed the (small) lawn, jumped in the pool and had a couple of Beers and BBQ for Dinner, as the sun went down.:D Maybe next year, when your rich from selling all your products,;) you can come to Oz and skip the winter over their.:cool:
What do ya reckon:D
The two weeks was the old days, These days it takes three movies, three meals and a snooze. From LAX or SFO to Sydney or Melbourne takes 13 hours.......:)

I'd have to stuff myself in a Priority Mail International box and my wife would have to take me to the Post Office and mail me.....................I'm that cheap.:D

Actually, she might just like doing that very thing.