Big Marty
Like your work Hanso, and I think you're on the right track.
Firstly. I'm in, or at least an 85%er. Have my 50th only a few weeks before and as long as the finances can cover it I'll be there, rain hail or shine.
I'm not booked in anywhere as yet and will be working to a budget so throwing a swag out somewhere will most likely be my option.
I love the idea of what you're doing. Good promotion for both the Brand and the group, as well as sponsorship going to a worthy charity and I'll help you with it in any way I can.
Have some contacts for patches, Tee shirts and stubbie holders I can point you to if you want.
Couple of things I'd like to be clear on before we get too deep tho, and as it hasn't been visited here for awhile, to put everybody in the same picture.
1/ About how many people do you reckon we're looking at? 20, 50, 100???
If it's only 20 then don't go building a rod for your own back by trying to over cater for it.
2/ Is this rally designed to be a travelling/rotating thru states event?? My original belief is that is so.
If so, then in my opinion the patch needs to be a generic type thing that can easily have the state/year/colour changed for the next event to follow on with.
3/ How detailed are you wanting to make it???
Turn up and get the info you require by word of mouth then it's each to their own for the rest, or register/ pre-pay for the event and get a showbag with a patch, tee shirt, sponsors info and a meal voucher as a bulk deal???
Have never organised an event of this scale from scratch but have done some big parties feeding a 100+ people and been involved with setting up a few rallies as well.
My point is, and my experience says, follow the golden rule. Keep it simple son (KISS).
Don't make it too busy with events. You'll find that only a few will make it to all of them and those that miss the first one will struggle to find the group for the rest of the day.
Pick a central venue where you can have most, or all of the people stay or meet.
Have a look at the Port Macquarie rally as an example. The whole event is based from the Breakwall Caravan park.
There's an abundance of onsite cabins available for booking, or camping for those on a budget, and the park management set up a marquee for them at a BBQ shelter at no cost (probably not necessary for a group of 20).
The girl guides come in and cook breaky for all who want it on all the mornings (at the BBQ shelter).
Bike show and shine is done in the grounds as well.
Dinner can be done there as a catered spit roast meal, or take it off site to a local pub/club and, if not near by, see if the pub/club will organise a courtesy bus for you.
A tour around the town is a great idea. Gotta let everyone know we're there eh, but maybe let everybody have a bit of a sleep in and some time to tart up their bikes in the morning. Then we could do the tour de'town and a short ride after the show and shine and on our way to a pub for lunch at a nearby town.
Ask for members and organisations to sponsor a trophy.
I do a bit of crafty type work in timber and steel and would willingly make a couple of items for the event. Maybe a hard luck award (busted conrod or something of the like) and something else, but I've gotta be able to cart it up as well so I can't do the lot.
And make sure you concider yourselves and your wedding in the equation too.
The last thing you want to do is make yourself so busy trying to make this work that your own special day isn't quite as spectacular as it could or should have been.
In otherwords, make sure to deligate.
Just my thoughts.
Cobba your thoughts a very well received and you advice invaluable
This is also a first for me for a bike rally anyway, was secretary for Hervey Bay family fishing competition, over 1500 entrants plus we self catered. Lots of sponsorship.
Hopefully a few more will do as you have done over the next 5 or 6 weeks, and from all the comments and ideas we can confirm events, itinerary, but we all know this depends on numbers.
When I have an idea of prospective numbers then we can get a plan in motion. Being straight to the point with no bull Sh*t, if people are not *****heads Cathy and I have no problems with a few tents and swags in our back yard. because I'm such a good bloke I'll even let you use the shower and toilet