Aussie Rocket Ride

Interested in a Australian Rocket Ride?

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Cobba your thoughts a very well received and you advice invaluable

This is also a first for me for a bike rally anyway, was secretary for Hervey Bay family fishing competition, over 1500 entrants plus we self catered. Lots of sponsorship.

Hopefully a few more will do as you have done over the next 5 or 6 weeks, and from all the comments and ideas we can confirm events, itinerary, but we all know this depends on numbers.

When I have an idea of prospective numbers then we can get a plan in motion. Being straight to the point with no bull Sh*t, if people are not *****heads Cathy and I have no problems with a few tents and swags in our back yard. because I'm such a good bloke I'll even let you use the shower and toilet
Mate definitely on the right track bearing in mind hopefully we will be changing states every year to make it fare for all. being numbered see how many each of us can get.
That is why I thought the Whole Aussie Map with the number on the left say for next year it would say 2nd and with moving things around you could probably put the town/location just under the triangle, basically just push the words around a bit more and I could get Hervey Bay in there to Hell I could even replace Rockets downunder with RDU that would give more room ........ Ok just had another brain fart what about this then it leaves the bottom for a different destination each year

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention Ann and Myself will be towing our Camper so will probably staying ya driveway!! .. just kidding we will be self accommodating and use the local van park


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Considering it's your stomping ground and you know the lay of the land better than most, can you suggest a good pub/caravan park that's central to all the places (including your own place).

Maybe a link to a map of the town and some pointers to the main venues too.

I can't say I've ever been into Hervay Bay. Passed by on the main roads outside the area, but never been in.
Bit of insider info would be invaluable.
hey count me in for 14th-16 sept. i'm right for accom as inlays live in HB so will be heading to point vernon to sty with wife and baby but will be there for the rest of the time.

i'll be riding from Melbourne so thinking of meeting up with other on the way.

is anyone planning on riding through melbourne or others between melb and hb. what do ya think of joining up as we go? may not work as everyone has different pace and k's they rare happy to ride in a day but let me know if you are keen.
Ill be there im just gonna rip the beast out of the shed when the time comes and launch it in that general direction any one who wants to link up on the launch or join the journey more than welcome
cya all there

Yep. I'm up for it but does depend on your travel plans.
I'm looking at doing it in 2 days. Leave here on the Thursday morning and stopping at Moree for the night. 940Ks for the day.
Makes the second day an easy 680Ks.

Don't know if that works for you as I've already got a 300K head start on ya so you might be better off doing over 3 days and camping your first night north of me around Forbes or somewhere like that.
I'd be happy to ride south and meet up with any riders at maybe Grafton, i'd enjoy the opportunity to travel with a few Rockets.
I'd be happy to ride south and meet up with any riders at maybe Grafton, i'd enjoy the opportunity to travel with a few Rockets.

The quickest route for me, and I'd imagine guys from Melbourne, is straight up the Newell, but hey, I'm open to suggestions and it's a much more interesting ride going up the New England anyway.