For all of you asking for more power, realize and know that Yamaha did just that with there latest Vmax...that bike has ALL the electronic nonsense, is 200HP, runs 9 second 1/4 miles and simply DID NOT SELL in the states. I still see dealers with brand new 2012/2013 models heavily discounted.
Honda redid the Valkryie and it DID NOT SELL. Yes, it was simply a rebadged Goldwing but it was pretty good looking and had 120lb weight loss compared to the Goldwing...Cool looking dash etc...I almost bought one this winter brand new out the door for 8999 USD!!! New they were 16K!!!! One of the dealers I called told me he had every color, to come pick whatever one I wanted!
The big cruiser market is a very tough one indeed. For the life of me I cannot understand how ANYONE can go out and buy a slow fat pig like a HD Fatboy for 20K and not select the rocket for around 13K (after haggling on the price of course). The rocket destroys all other big cruisers in speed (except for the vmax) and handling and braking and reliability. It really is a great bargain compared to the competition but yet it is a very slow seller.
With companies like victory going away and slow MC sales in general I can't imagine triumph putting any money into the rocket. I can see them discontinuing it actually, not improving it. Most bike companies (like BMW) have focused there attention on the 700/800CC class bikes and scooters. That seems to be where the money is for some reason.
The other problem I see with the bike market is the INSANE high prices of new bikes. BMW, Hardley, Ducati, KTM and even the *** bikes are all getting the prices well into the 20K range...I was at the Hardley dealer the other day and there big dreaming eagle cruiser is 42K!!!!
Seriously???? Motorcycling for most of us is a hobby or past time. This is not my primary mode of transport, especially considering how brutal the winter is where I live. These companies need to realize that most of us are not willing to drop that kind of money into something we rarely use!