Asking for help with Cam Cover Gasket replacement

Just did the Cam Cover Seal on my 2014 R3 Roadster. It was beginning to leak, and there were places where it looked like the seal was being blown out of position. (first photo) It took us about six hours, including about an hour disassembling various radiator covers and such to find the front coil bolt that dropped.

My son was helping me, he's an ex-Hyundai technician and has a vast assortment of specialized tools including low-profile ratchets, wrenches, hex drivers, etc. so getting tools in that tight space was not as much of a challenge as most DIY mechanics would face.

When we got the cover off he noticed right away that the powder coating extended all the way under the cover onto the mating surface for the gasket. He specialized in rebuilding engines and found this very disturbing. Using a razor scraper, acetone and brake cleaner, we stripped the mating surface down to bare metal. (second photo)

After examining the marks left by the seal on the surfaces my son concluded that the gasket was not installed properly, most likely it had shifted while the cover was being replaced. He said he could tell someone had been into the motor previously because the cover bolts showed tool marks in the hexes.

We're hoping that removing the powder coat from the cover will prevent future leaks, he feels that the powder coat as a mating surface will not provide a good seal and will allow oil to seep through. We will see...

Photo 1 - Gasket out of place

Photo 2 - Cleaning off the powder coating from the sealing surfaces.
Yes he is correct. I will post in detail how to install with no leaks after 1,000 miles. A wire brush works better. Both sides have to be be polished and oil free. The torque sequence is the key to success. Given the thickness of the gasket it is very important to toque down even and slowly work it on down. Plus all recommended hardware should be replaced. It is the only way to get the gasket torque down properly. I have almost 70,000 mile on a Rocket X . Been there done that. Recommend no more than a few NM's and a lot of patience as it is torque down. You have to walk it on down. Your son will know what am talking about.
Yes, that's what he did. We couldn't find a torque sequence in the service manual, all it says is "6. Progressively and evenly tighten the cam cover bolts to 10 Nm." He started with the center bolts and worked outwards, three passes to get to 10Nm. I started it up and let it run for about a minute just to make sure it didn't explode, then let it sit for 24 hours for the RTV on the biscuits to cure. Took it for a 100-mile ride yesterday and no leaks. I think he nailed it.
When he has a spare moment - he can pop over here. The tools I have - I'm just old and getting lazy!
And got to spend that time with your son, priceless it sure is cool watching them do something like that for us dads isnt it. So proud a dads love is hard to hide even with few words written.