So does anyone want one? The one off this bike is now going reasonably cheap - US$125 posted.
IT IS ALUMINUM as could be guessed by the look and welds. I think cleaning the welds up with a dremel and polish would help reduce the Frankenstein appearance but what do you Rocketeers think about airflow?
It could work as a ram I suppose with funnel attachments but where and what filter would you need to get a ram effect?
Well Bull, I like the over all style, that's quite cool.
The collector is . . . not pretty, and the use of the stock oval to round transition piece at the head shows just how difficult that part is to duplicate.
I don't see why the rear part of the pipe is a separate piece to the front part, that flange is ugly.
I'm not fussed on the Air intake, but like the bike overall.
I'm sorry but after looking at the pics and the close up of the welds just not impressed with the craftsmanship. Not only is it @utt ugly but you can see every stop and start which is potentially a opportunity for a crack to develop. Very #iss poor. Way too much rod and the ripples are not evenly spaced. very rough.
I'm sorry but after looking at the pics and the close up of the welds just not impressed with the craftsmanship. Not only is it @utt ugly but you can see every stop and start which is potentially a opportunity for a crack to develop. Very #iss poor. Way too much rod and the ripples are not evenly spaced. very rough.