Arizona , still looking

You mentioned seating position...Triumph changed the riding position in 2010 on the roadster / standard models. 05 - 09 have a more traditional cruiser riding position with your feet out in front of you. 10 and up have your feet underneath you and a more upright riding position. I have one of each and for me the older one is more comfortable for longer trips
Welcome from Arizona. I bought an 06 with almost 50k on it. Have only had to change the fork seals which was my fault. Didnt expect it to pull the front tire under accelleration like a sportbike. Just reguler maintenance. And I ride the piss out of it.
Everybody talks about older bikes having problems, my 05 has over 40k miles and the only problems i have had were dealer produced, local dealer messed up the timing when they did the valves, other than that no problems, @idk has an older rocket with over 130k miles and still going strong, hope you buy a good one and welcome from Tulsa Oklahoma:)
Welcome from the big city of Henryetta Oklahoma . Home to no. 74. Rocket X bought new in Sept 2015. Over 28,000 miles and shifts better now than when new.
Welcome from a fellow Arizonian. My 2015 Touring had a head gasket leak at around 500 miles that had to be repaired. But since January I have ridden it about 9000 miles (none of them commuting miles) without a problem. Love the thing. The only problem I have now is that it is too **** hot to ride much unless you head up to our mountains. Anyway good luck with your search and maybe we can do a ride after you bite the bullet.
Howdy, from Virginia!

2015 R3tour here, just eased over 16,000 miles (more commute/traffic miles than open road/mountain miles). Only problem I had was a cranky oil sensor that got replaced ~2200 miles but after that, the next ~14K miles have been trouble free.