Are you planning any mods over the winter ?

Which Nitron shock did you order? Their website doesn't list our generation Rockets.
I ordered it through HPS. It is the Nitron NTR R3 Race-Pro Rear Shock Absorber for Triumph Motorcycles (3 Way Adjustable) Nitron also sells cartridge upgrades for the front forks but I think most of the issues I'm having can be fixed with the rear shock.
Did you have to include your weight ..etc some websites ask some don't I am confused.
I need to get a real horn on mime too.
Me also. I pull up along side of people and scream at them when they screw up. With their windows rolled up and my helmet on with the clear visor down all they see is an old dude jumping up and down on his seat making weird faces. A loud horn would get my point across much better.
Man I gave up on getting angry in traffic a long time ago. It’s bad for my mental health and can sometimes cause situations to escalate. Last time I thought a dude wronged me in traffic he was having a diabetic seizure and ended up staying with him until an ambulance shows up. So now every time someone pisses me off I just think of that dude and tell myself that person is going through something . I’m not saying I’m perfect by any means but as a rider people seem to hate you so I just give them a pass and try to avoid “turbulent air”.

I have become so surgical on where I ride and the routes I choose to get there just to avoid that turbulence. For me riding is not about commuting it’s just about a mental break from my life which is super stressful as I’m sure everyone’s is.
I wish I had your temperament. I mean that sincerely as you have a perfect outlook. I don't at times but the older I get the more mellow I get. I was actually kidding about the screaming in the helmet visor. I catch up to them, lift up my visor and then scream. A loud horn would be perfect for my nerves and health.
On a side note I never got the 'hate' thing anywhere I have ridden. Maybe I have been lucky. People have always moved out of my way splitting traffic as a courtesy and never a word when I go to the front of the traffic line. Maybe it's just California cause everyone here is stoned.
Who do you recommend for Carbon? Post some pictures of your bike whenever you get a chance !
I use CarbonFBR as they are good quality and work out a lot cheaper than the competition. I've spent ~$2kAUD on carbon bits so far, see pics. Have since added the left side cover with the oil filler as well (I didn't originally elect to change parts that were already dark). Fairly sure I'm done for now. Well, fairly sure... ;-)