Are They fkn kidding ?

As a newcomer, reading through, I found this.."
Rider 4 Life
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Join Date
Nov 2011
Houston, TX

LOL, yeah that bike is like an UGLY chick that's Good in bed.

Better that, than an overly 'made-up' fat tart, that's NO use in bed------I'd say.

Here an' I found this...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

I don't think they actually believe a Rocket to be ugly.
But if I would ride a M109R, this would be the only thing I could bring up in a comparison, to still feel comfortable with my own bike... :notworthy:

If I was a M109R rider, I would not be in a position to call a Rocket slow or outdated or too heavy, or even pick on the handling. I couldn't grumble about it's brakes as well, couldn't curse about cardans and overly fat rear tires in general, and it wouldn't be an option to look down on the brand name. :rolleyes:

In fact, there is absolutely nothing I could use as a reason to feel superior, because the Rocket is obviously superior in just about everything. What an uncomfortable situation! :whitstling:

So what would an unsettled M109 rider do, to feel better? Probably put the look of the Rocket down, as a last resort... ;)

Or ... just buy one and enjoy! :thumbsup:
I like the way my Rocket makes me feel and couldn't give a sh#t what anyone else thinks. Owners of M109s seem to be motivated more than most other riders (except maybe Harley owners) by the misguided believe that everyone really wants one. The Boulevard has plenty of good points but it's easily the ugliest large cruiser on the market and probably only really good at moving large amounts of plastic and overinflated egos from place to place. Nevertheless, it's good that someone loves them.
THIS 109 was beaten by the British opposition an' all. :whitstling:

Actually....!!!.... I once posted something to this same effect on another forum and was promptly shot down (pun!) by a member from Germany who posted a whole lot of facts - of which I was unaware - to the contrary. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Seems he was right, too! I retreated quietly ........
Anyway, this M109 has a Detroit Diesel with 9000cc!!


Top Speed is 56kph though, so I guess the Suzuki 109 could in fact be just a tad quicker, with a good rider... :D
Shared passion, individual style. Real riders don’t try to look good for the crowd, no bragging needed.
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Just realised this thread dates back to 2014! I have no idea what an M 109 is or who makes it but talk about pot and kettles lol.
Never understood the lookalike market,if you want a cruiser that thinks its a Harley buy the real thing!