Appreciate Input on Exhaust!

I can identify Lifelong. I was the same way after getting through a med issue. I'd recommend your investing in a Dobeck. If you are anything else like me, you are probably going to keep doing stuff to your bike (and like most all R3 owners). The Dobeck will allow you to do the tunes without having to worry about ECU downloads.
CanberraR3, Can the dealer do the mapping for the air filter upgrade??

I put TORs on first and the dealer loaded the TORs tune at the time. When I did triples (and removed secondaries) shortly after I was running too lean so I got a Dobeck from Flip. This was a simple plug and play and added fuel to the mix without the need to remap anything or mess with the ECU. Suits me and the bike runs great.

You can of course do it all with a $20 cable and tune ECU but IMO that's a case of a little bit of knowledge being dangerous. Plenty have done it without issue but there are some who have come seriously unstuck. If you go that route you should get in touch with Hanso.

The Dobeck costs about half the price of a Power Commander and there's no need for a dyno or the extra expense of auto tune and can be adjusted simply with any future mods. As I said, it's simple and it suits me.
yea I'll definitely endorse the Dobeck myself.
I changed out my exhaust recently.
for about a year I was running a homemade 3 into one.
once I changed out the pipes she ran like crap, backfiring on decel.
brought her home, popped the seat off and bumped the Fuel up one full notch
and now she's running right and not nearly as hot to ride.
no bakfiring on decel and sounds a lot better to boot.
I think she'll sound exactly the way i want her once I enlarge the pipes to 2".
But the Dobeck is worth every cent.
nothing to keep up with, no cd, no laptop to hook up, no canned tune to hope works.
it takes about 10 seconds to add fuel to any of the 4 modes and you're riding again.
My T O R's pipes arrived today. As soon as I saw box I knew I was in trouble. Box was crushed and damaged. Sure enough pipes had dents and scratch. Called the dealer who sold them to me, very nice and understanding. Sending these back and they are sending new ones. UPS sucks! Tried to save some money ordering them, should have bought them from local dealer.

From one lifelong biker to another, I wish you well on the by-pass recovery. You have a great attitude and shall be back into the wind soon - don't rush it!

Just curious:
Did you get these from Hattiesburgcycles? I received a damaged right pipe. They were good about it and said they were currently sold out and as soon as they got another set they would send me the right side for replacement. Few days later theycontacted me stating they got a new set in but the right pipe was damaged. heh heh heh A week later I got a new pipe.

I recently went through all this and I be no genius. With the patient help of Guru Hanso, I was able to install triple K&Ns, TORS, PCV+AT and install his two tunes into my ECU and PCV. Besides the cost of listed parts all I needed was a $9 cable to hook up to the ECU and a free download of Tune ECU to my lap top. Sounds scary; but, really it's not difficult to do. Don't waste your money at some dealer.

Finally - I would say to at least do the TORs and K&Ns with the Hanso ECU tune.

Get well Lifelong,
1olbull, thanks for the well wishes! I got the pipes from NCY ( Northern County Yamaha ) which is also a Triumph dealer, in CA. They give great discounts on shipped parts!! Delt wilt them several times, great people, sure is was NOT their fault, most likely UPS's. But Triumph should take some of the blame, when shipping a heavy chrome part that could damage from a drop, I would have had thick styrofoam ( or how ever it's spelled ) completely around all of pipes, not just on ends!!! . As far as "tune" goes I might have to go with dealer since i'm still living in stone age with a desk top computer and would have to either buy or borrow a laptop, but I do like the K&N air filter set up, and realize it will require more tunning. I've had all kinds of bikes and cars that I built up over my lifetime, and still feel the ones I left the engines alone, were the most reliable. ( Says alot for my work! LOL LOL )
Ain't nothing wrong with the stock beast's power. Improving intake and exhaust on a stock engine improves efficiency as well as performance and is a GOOD thing IMHO.

I'm also pretty positive you'd enjoy the same chubby I received after doing these easy mods. :D
Be well & heal good,
Ok, latest exhaust update. Finally recieved another set of TORs pipes. This time they arrived in excellent condition. Dealership was very good and kept me updated. Couldn't wait, installed them right away. The best thing about parts made by a Manufactuer for their products is they FIT perfectly. No mods, easy install, with taking my time as not to scratch them, whole job took way uner an hour. Started it up and right away could hear the difference, sounded pretty good to me. Today I have an appointment to get the "Engine Tune / Mapping " at dealer. Will get back with an evaluation when I can open her up and after tune.
Here's the scoop! First decent ride since my surgery, felt great! Put over 100 miles on bike. TORs Pipes sound good, wouldn't mind a drop louder! Bike did seem to run better after the dealer did the "Tune". Total costs Pipes $460 delivered, and $50 for dealer to do tune. Now the lame side Topped off fuel tank. Bike gets 29 miles per gallon with high test! Some cars get more! And low fuel light comes on way before needed at approx 1/2 tank. I always reset trip meter when I fill up, so at 174 I'm out!! Over all rating: Rocket still gets an A Just love the bike!