1olbull, thanks for the well wishes! I got the pipes from NCY ( Northern County Yamaha ) which is also a Triumph dealer, in CA. They give great discounts on shipped parts!! Delt wilt them several times, great people, sure is was NOT their fault, most likely UPS's. But Triumph should take some of the blame, when shipping a heavy chrome part that could damage from a drop, I would have had thick styrofoam ( or how ever it's spelled ) completely around all of pipes, not just on ends!!! . As far as "tune" goes I might have to go with dealer since i'm still living in stone age with a desk top computer and would have to either buy or borrow a laptop, but I do like the K&N air filter set up, and realize it will require more tunning. I've had all kinds of bikes and cars that I built up over my lifetime, and still feel the ones I left the engines alone, were the most reliable. ( Says alot for my work! LOL LOL )