Few questions for you guys. I am recovering from 5 by-pass open heart surgery and can't wait to get back on my 2011 Roadster. I have stock exhaust, I want to upgrade, due to my financial status from being out of work, I can only go for the TORs type slip on mufflers I would love to get full Jardine or carpenter full systems, which I could install, but know nothing about "mapping or Tunning" so that would also cost me another $500. My question is: If I bought a set of TORs and installed them myself, would I do any damage in driving about 50 miles to a dealer to "map" the engine to the pipes?? If I did spring for a Jardine full set up, how hard is it to Tune engine with say a power commander, I don't wanna headache or screw up, is any plug and play??
Any replies are appreciated, if this was touched on in other theads I appoligize.