Appreciate Input on Exhaust!

Lifelong Biker

Nov 22, 2011
Clifton NJ USA
2011 Rocket III roadster 2004 Harley Davidson Electra Glide
Few questions for you guys. I am recovering from 5 by-pass open heart surgery and can't wait to get back on my 2011 Roadster. I have stock exhaust, I want to upgrade, due to my financial status from being out of work, I can only go for the TORs type slip on mufflers I would love to get full Jardine or carpenter full systems, which I could install, but know nothing about "mapping or Tunning" so that would also cost me another $500. My question is: If I bought a set of TORs and installed them myself, would I do any damage in driving about 50 miles to a dealer to "map" the engine to the pipes?? If I did spring for a Jardine full set up, how hard is it to Tune engine with say a power commander, I don't wanna headache or screw up, is any plug and play??
Any replies are appreciated, if this was touched on in other theads I appoligize.
no riding it 50 miles won't hurt it any.
Depending on your computer skills,
a tuneECU might serve ya better.
I don't know anything about it, cause it's way above my paygrade and skill level
but I know Hanso could probably walk ya through it.
Congrats on surviving the "lil" surgery you went through.
Thanks xhdskip I ordered the TOR silencers. Got them for $446 brand new with shipping included. Once I'm up to it, I'll install them and take it to dealer for the "engine Tune / mapping". Can't wait to be back in the saddle again!!! I live on a main road and hear bikes going by all day, driving me nuts! LOL
You're welcome.
On another note, I'm glad you're still with us and wanting to ride again.
TOR's are MUCH better than stock.
At least you'll be able to hear your bike now.
Dealer can drop in a TOR's tune for ya.
Won't take over 5 minutes, but they'll probably charge ya for a half hr.
Ride safe,
Just my luck!

My T O R's pipes arrived today. As soon as I saw box I knew I was in trouble. Box was crushed and damaged. Sure enough pipes had dents and scratch. Called the dealer who sold them to me, very nice and understanding. Sending these back and they are sending new ones. UPS sucks! Tried to save some money ordering them, should have bought them from local dealer.
Rotten luck that. USPS got my TORs to Oz without an issue - and were much cheaper than UPS. To get the best from your TORs you should also look at triple filters but that will mean remapping or some other way to manage a:f. If you have a bit of computer savy and are prepared to fiddle cost is very small or you could look at other options such as Dobe k or Power Commander. But you will like the TORs on there own anyway.
CanberraR3, Can the dealer do the mapping for the air filter upgrade??
I'm sure they can, i had the tors installed at my local dealer when i bought the bike, they took care of everything.
Like Skip said, congrats on surviving your operation
Thanks Mexican! I can't wait to be back in the wind!! Did drive it the other day and top the gas tank off, but i'm still too weak from the surgery. Had to bring it right back home!