Anyone selling a Flyscreen?

Actually looking for a clear one. I think its actually called sports screen.

Yeah 'Sportscreen' for clear version. I would change/edit your thread title to get a seller and if no luck they are still available from dealers. The solid color Flyscreens are much harder to find now.
Hey Rango, nice mods and bike! Can you tell me how you slashed the front guard (the front fender right)? Also, where did you get the 50mm crash bar? I like the look of both. Do you know if it'll fit a 2016 roadster (the crashbar)?

Sorry so long to reply. Actually smashed my bike racing guys in Melbourne's mountains at 140KPH and also my body, lots of broken bones atrer cartwheeling like a rag doll. 4 months on and all good now, except for painful broken shoulders. I've gotta do the front guard again as when I was in hospital the tow truck driver stole my guard and clocks. See the pic of the copper coloured bike which has a more radical chopped than mine. I prefer that and will do that this time around.

Pretty easy to chop up the front guard with a 4" angle grinder using a very thin cutting blade. I used a grinding wheel to complete the shape, round file, then sandpaper. Good luck. See pics.

I made the 50mm crash bars but when I crashed they disintegrated as I used very thin walled exhaust tubing. They were only for show. This time around I will remake and just use straight pieces of say, 50mm x 6mm wall thickness round tubing which will hold up on the next tumble.

Good Luck.



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Yes but it's graphite (grey). Guessing you need black for the Roadster. You could paint it. I have all the hardware as well including the fixing kit. $175 + shipping.

Please post pix.
Ouch! Dude!, heal quick brother. I don't think the optional crash guards for the Roadster/Classic would be much help in a crash either. Unlike yours the tubes are thick enough. It's the mounting plates, they are real bendy. Particularly the rear one's. I envisioned them trapping my legs between them and the engine in the front or between the guards and the exhaust in the rear in case of a crash. The mounting plates these tubes are mounted too will fold in a crash. They gave me more of a sense of insecurity so I took them off.

The crash guards on the Touring are far more secure. Not an after thought.
ouch indeed; busted shoulder(s) is probably one of the more painful parts of human body. The bike looks salvageable; gas tank looks like a crushed beer can. could have been worse
Actually looking for a clear one. I think its actually called sports screen.

Snake, I might have a brand new, unused, clear sport screen for ya' in about two weeks, once my bike is returned from the shop. They initially thought that my color-matched one was damaged in a little get-off I had awhile back, but they buffed it out and tell me that it's A-OK. So as soon as I can confirm that with my own eyes, the clear one will be available. You will still need a fixing kit, though.
ouch indeed; busted shoulder(s) is probably one of the more painful parts of human body. The bike looks salvageable; gas tank looks like a crushed beer can. could have been worse

All injuries LHS of my body:
  • 2 x broken shoulders
  • broken collarbone
  • 8 broken ribs at back, some broken into 4 pieces
  • broken wrist
  • puncture lung
  • brain bleed in 3 places
2004 I had a more serious smash and couldn't list all my injuries on this post. Strange thing is now, my wife says she's walking out the door if I hop on the bike again. Women.... they just don't get it. Nevertheless I'm happy and she cant understand why.

I've bought a 2nd hand fuel tank and it's amazingly lightweight. When the carton arrived in the post I thought it was a side cover. The tank weighs less than the front mudguard so it's no surprise it crushed like a beer can.


With the greatest respect, I fail to accept that your leg could possibly be trapped between the motor and the ground and even more unrealistic is the crash bars holding it in. Sorry saddleup but unless you were doing zero KPH you'ed be flung off. Just take a loom at one of the hundreds of U-Tube clips of bike crashes.
If the bars fold up in an accident over walking speed they absorb energy that would otherwise reach your bike. Even if bent to bike they will absorb most of the impact and prevent rash to rest of bike underneath. At low speed tip-over, which they are really designed for, they do a great job preventing any of the bike itself touching and end up with light scuffs on the corners of the bars which touch. if they bend a little on the mounts it is a doddle to bend them back. Ask me how I know - from a few occasions.

I did just order a set of 38mm front bars from Germany that will match my 1.5" Thunderbike bars and will fit once my existing ones get too scruffy. the slight existing scuffs are covered by rubber 'bar moustaches' available dirt cheap on ebay from China and if fitted earlier would probably have prevented scuffs anyway.

1.25" Universal Mustache Engine Guard Rubber Peg For Harley Touring Yamaha Vstar | eBay
I bought my bike used. The previous owner used the crash guards as the tie down points to trailer the bike. All of the guards were no longer at right angles to the bike. I grabbed the crash bars and straightened them out very easily by hand. It's my understanding that when you bend metal it weakens.

I can bend them by hand, and I'm a small guy at 155 lbs, and you are saying that if a motorcycle that weighs weighs almost 800 lbs low sided and slide down the road on a crash guard with the passenger still hanging on that the engine guard could not fold toward the engine and possibly trap a leg.

I've been riding for 50 years and I've never dropped a road motorcycle on it's side. I'm not going to install big ugly crash guards on a motorcycle to protect it from a parking lot tip over. I'd want them to protect in a crash. I still stand by my comment these will not. Triumph doesn't even call them engine guards, they are Dresser Bars. I'd be okay with them being ugly if I felt confident in them. In the end the ugly to protection ratio is too biased to the ugly side. YMMV.

A friend of mine has a Rocket Touring. I can't even budge the crash guards on that bike.

Oops, not my intention to totally derail the thread.
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